How is the Pascal’s Triangle called across the world?
Percentage of people in European countries who think their culture is superior to others.
@onlmaps I don’t understand the use of red in this scale
UK Government Travel Advice around the world
How to say “church” in different European languages
United States’ 8 million miles of roads, streets and highways.
(by EarthArtAustralia/etsy
Languages of the British Isles throughout history.
European countries by percentage of black population
Countries that have won the UEFA European Championship in the 21st century
(via reddit/europe)
The word for “Lynx” in European languages.
Hypothetical partition of the United States by the Central Powers that appeared on the cover of Life in 1916
In which state you can find the highest percentage of people with ancestry from every European country?
Belgium’s regions explained.
The walls surrounding Europe - In the last 8 years alone, around 2000 km of wall has been built
Number of structurally deficient bridges by U.S. county (2020)
Population by countries in 1900 with today’s borders.
Blue/Green eyes and Blond/Red hair across Europe.
Results of the #EURO2024 and Copa América
(by idlikebab/reddit)
Slang names for McDonald's
@onlmaps these people got it
Horses may have been replaced by cars on the roads, but the words are actually (distantly) related.
Plug types used by European nations.