Iron Hat Land: Literal Translations of Countries from Navajo.
Approximate size of European armies in 1914.
(map by geo.universe on instagram)
Europe if all the ice in the world melted.
How to say ‘church’ in various European languages
Chemical Elements Named after Places.
Revised map of the Middle East along more ethnically cohesive borders.
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: 1618 vs. 2013.
@onlmaps Frei Königsberg:))
Germany’s territorial changes during the 20th century.
How to say ‘mountain’ in different European languages
North America if all the glaciers and icecaps melted
Legality of Same-Sex Marriage
Linguistic map of Uralic languages.
Belgium provinces with their literal meanings.
“Computer” in various European languages.
The World Divided into 200 Countries of Roughly Equal Population.
The earliest churches: recorded congregations of the first and 2nd centuries
Languages Spoken by European/North American Leaders.
(map by geoglobal_ on instagram)
@onlmaps According to Aftonbladet, the Swedish newspaper, Putin also speaks Swedish.
Areal break-up of the 1994 Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish referendum on EU and the 2016 UK referendum.
Red-against, blue-for
Places of origin of European ruling dynasties’ names in 1914.
The word elephant in European languages.