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"but if you block people, that's living in a bubble"

No honey, I don't "live" on the fedi. It is a place I visit.

This is not my only source of information. Getting all your info from social media is arguably worse that blocking people.

There's nothing wrong having a bubble of people who don't waste my time. Sometimes we call that "friends" or even "community" IRL.

And in the USA we have "freedom of association" which means each of us gets to decide for ourselves, what humans deserve our time and attention. You don't actually owe anyone your attention. Not even if you've said something they disagree with!

"but if you block people, that's living in a bubble"

No honey, I don't "live" on the fedi. It is a place I visit.

This is not my only source of information. Getting all your info from social media is arguably worse that blocking people.

There's nothing wrong having a bubble of people who don't waste my time. Sometimes we call that "friends" or even "community" IRL.

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Dak (D. A. Keldsen)

@HunkThunderzone and frankly, some people are so rude that it’s pretty obvious interaction is pointless.

Mx. Luna Corbden

@HunkThunderzone It’s time to bring back the *rest* of the First Amendment, Freedom of Association!

Martin Rundkvist

@HunkThunderzone I've been a major fan of blocking functionality since 1980s BBSs. At that time, my question was "Why should I have to deal with this guy just because he owns a modem?"

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