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39 posts total
Nik Lopin

Life hack of the week: use chopsticks to eat chips

Nik Lopin

I propose we replace semantic versioning with pride versioning

Diagram with large number: 2.7.123
First “2” is commented: Proud version. Bump when you are proud of the release
Second “7” is commented: Default version. Just normal/okay releases
Third “123” is commented: Shame version. Bump when fixing things too embarrassing to admit
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John Carlsen 🇺🇸🇳🇱🇪🇺


Nutshell history of software version numbering format:


a : major/proud release
b : minor relase
c : shamful release
d : buried in the footnotes

(Note that Windows 3.11 was released before a second decimal point had been invented.)

Nik Lopin

I struggled a lot with filling ahhhm and ohhhm in my speech. The best advice that worked for me is to close my mouth when I finished a sentence. The stupidest, but effective rule 😂

Nik Lopin

Yesterday we published a game for a campaign to promote Spanish talent. Give it a check (or boost) if you want! ❤️

Nik Lopin

Search through ChatGPT won because modern internet sucks. We fucked it up.

Yesterday I tried to find chia to milk ratio for a recipe. I googled and visited 5 websites. I clicked through a text-blocking cookie banner, I scrolled pages describing how great chia is, showing ads between paragraph. At the bottom, I found imprecise recipes.

ChatGPT does not fuss, does not force me to read ads. It answers to the point.

Nik Lopin

I finally played and finished the Return to Obra Dinn! It is a great game if you like to investigate, analyze and deduce things. The graphics and the gameplay is unique, you travel back in time to understand what happened with the crew on the now empty ship.

I had similar experience with "The case of the Golden Idol" but it came after the Obra Dinn

Nik Lopin

Out of the 561,454 projects OpenSSF has listed in their criticality_score project, for which they generate a "criticality score" for each single one, a certain hobby project is currently clocking in as number 100. (yeah, I mean #curl)

daniel:// stenberg://

another hobby project by some Finish guy is ranked number one

Nik Lopin

The rental prices in Spain skyrocket. I understand it is easy to blame airbnb flats, but it is usually not the reason. The amount of airbnb flats are too small to really affect the market.

What does affect it, at least in Barcelona, is that there is literally no new apartments being built in the city with constantly growing population.

Nice video with scientific proofs on the topic:


@lopin also the home prices if you want to buy have skyrocketed 🙈😰


@lopin @iakobsdesamos Si no vols parlar amb ningú/fer comunitat, hi ha un FabCafe a prop d'Urquinaona

Si no, hauries de mirar algún makespace. Jo conec aquests (per internet, no he anat a cap dels dos):
- Logout:
- Made:

No ho he provat mai, per això. Comparteix la teva experiencia si ho fas! 😄

@lopin @iakobsdesamos Si no vols parlar amb ningú/fer comunitat, hi ha un FabCafe a prop d'Urquinaona

Si no, hauries de mirar algún makespace. Jo conec aquests (per internet, no he anat a cap dels dos):
- Logout:
- Made:

Nik Lopin

Foursquare just open sourced their 100 million place point of interest dataset! Some notes on poking around with it using DuckDB (it's Parquet files on S3)

Nik Lopin

I wrote some Ruby code after 7 years break for a huge codebase. Aaaand crashed the prod 😂 I hope I still have a job

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John Ulrik

@nikitonsky There MUST be an official Apple-made mount for … like … 500 bucks or so? 😅


@nikitonsky what software do you use to use the iPhone as webcam ? Tested multiple but had reliability problems with all of them.

Colin Fleming

@nikitonsky That actually looks pretty nice, this one is pretty crappy:

Nik Lopin

Before 2017 the humanity only had accurate maps of 6% of the ocean floor. This is insane. We still don't know the exact picture of most of it.

The Seabed 2030 project wants to cartograph it all by the end of the decade. Today they already have 25% done.

Nik Lopin

We know how to lay cables in there ocean, but we don't know what's around it 😂

Nik Lopin

#30DayMapChallenge #AI_only #HumanMobility I tried to teach DALL-E about locations of Spanish cities. I even gave it a real map to learn. It failed miserably ;) To make an actual map of human mobility from real data in Spain use #rstats #spanishoddata package

AI generated map of human mobility in Spain. This image is produced with DALL-E 3
Training image for DALL-E to learn where the Spanish cities are.
DALL-E learns from an image of a map of Spain and receives a prompt to generate a map.
Egor Kotov 🌐🏃🦟

Side note, I have actually tried many times, and no matter what I do, it just fails to to any city, even with a wrong name to where Barcelona should be.

Nik Lopin

LinkedIn now has games 🤦‍♂️

An average product management is so crooked. The whole idea of "product must constantly evolve" is wrong because it leads to frankensteins not serving neither new nor initial purpose

A screenshot of a LinkedIn web page, offering to play a game
Nik Lopin

#30DayMapChallenge #journey all journeys in Spain in one day (cheating a little bit here, as this was done back in 2023, very little time to create new maps while at a conference)

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