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4 posts total
Loïc Dachary

The Gitea Ltd company took over the @Gitea project.

The domains & trademark, previously under the governance of elected community leaders are now owned by a for-profit corporation based in Hong Kong.

I work daily on the Gitea codebase as part of my efforts to further forge federation in @forgefriends and did not get any advance warning, just as most volunteer contributors.

I would welcome, use, contribute and support a fork of Gitea with a healthy governance.

The Gitea Ltd company took over the @Gitea project.

The domains & trademark, previously under the governance of elected community leaders are now owned by a for-profit corporation based in Hong Kong.

I work daily on the Gitea codebase as part of my efforts to further forge federation in @forgefriends and did not get any advance warning, just as most volunteer contributors.

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@dachary @forgefriends "an enhanced enterprise version", seems like they are going down the same rabbit hole, as gitlab

Elias Mårtenson

@dachary @forgefriends what they said seemed to make sense and wasn't very unreasonable. Until the part about cryptocurrency garbage myst made me complete lose any confidence I have in those people wanting to be good maintainers of this project.


@dachary @forgefriends Holy cats! I really liked that the Gitea project was a free alternative to GitHub and other proprietary Git companies. I'm not in a position to support a fork financially but I'm willing to help out in other ways.

Loïc Dachary

A must read to understand what #forge #federation is about and what is going to happen.

The "State of the #Forge #Federation: 2021 to 2023" report was published today on the @forgefriends blog. It contains a retrospective of what happened in the past year and explains what is likely to happen in the next twelve months.

rellik moo


wow. That opening paragraph hits hard & true:

Millions of Free Software developers forgot why it matters to own their tools. They know, better than anyone, how to fix and improve them. But when they choose to collaborate only via the most popular proprietary software forges, they are denied the right to use their skills and cannot work with fellow developers who are banned because they reside in the wrong country. They have been made to believe that the tools they use daily to craft their own software are out of reach. As if their software was a product that could be separated from the other software running the tests, allowing changes to be merged or bugs to be filed. But software is a process, and whoever controls it ultimately decides what the developers can do and how they communicate.



wow. That opening paragraph hits hard & true:

Millions of Free Software developers forgot why it matters to own their tools. They know, better than anyone, how to fix and improve them. But when they choose to collaborate only via the most popular proprietary software forges, they are denied the right to use their skills and cannot work with fellow developers who are banned because they reside in the wrong country. They have been made to believe that the tools they use daily to craft their...

Loïc Dachary

@gitea needs your help to implement #ActivityPub 🙏

Browse the task list maintained by @ta180m at, pick one and help #Gitea move towards #federation. If you are not sure how to help, just reply and someone in the @forgefriends community will guide you.

🚀 boost appreciated!

@dachary @ta180m I read somewhere Gitea will use Matrix for issues?
@dachary @gitea @ta180m @forgefriends

> gitea
> community managed fork of gogs

I'm listening...

> adding ActivityPub support

...don't mind me, I'll be off in the corner getting this installed...
@dachary @gitea @ta180m @forgefriends

> gitea
> community managed fork of gogs

Loïc Dachary

@forgefed is alive again 🎉 The repository was updated today and a videoconference is announced June 13th, 2022. I very much look forward to contribute (in fact I'll start right away) and happy that the maintainers are back 👍

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