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Simon Tatham

'mkdir -p' lets you make a deeply nested subdirectory like a/b/c/d, making all the intermediate directories on the way to it. So if even 'a' doesn't exist, it'll make that, then a/b, etc.

But you can also get it to make multiple _non_-nested directories, because it accepts '..' in the path and doesn't treat it specially:

$ mkdir -p alpha/../beta/../gamma
$ ls
alpha beta gamma

[Edit: to be clear, I'm pointing out an amusing edge case, not giving advice!]

'mkdir -p' lets you make a deeply nested subdirectory like a/b/c/d, making all the intermediate directories on the way to it. So if even 'a' doesn't exist, it'll make that, then a/b, etc.

But you can also get it to make multiple _non_-nested directories, because it accepts '..' in the path and doesn't treat it specially:

The Penguin of Evil

@simontatham That btw will blow up in interesting ways if one of them already exists and is a symlink 8)

Simon Tatham

We've released #PuTTY version 0.81. This is a SECURITY UPDATE, fixing a #vulnerability in ECDSA signing for #SSH.

If you've used a 521-bit ECDSA key (ecdsa-sha2-nistp521) with any previous version of PuTTY, consider it compromised! Generate a new key pair, and remove the old public key from authorized_keys files.

Other key types are not affected, even other sizes of ECDSA. In particular, Ed25519 is fine.

This vulnerability has id CVE-2024-31497. Full information is at

We've released #PuTTY version 0.81. This is a SECURITY UPDATE, fixing a #vulnerability in ECDSA signing for #SSH.

If you've used a 521-bit ECDSA key (ecdsa-sha2-nistp521) with any previous version of PuTTY, consider it compromised! Generate a new key pair, and remove the old public key from authorized_keys files.

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@simontatham @indigoparadox If I understand from skimming the link, this solely affects PuTTY (on Windows) and /not/ other implementations of SSH, right?
Henrik Kramselund - kramse

@simontatham so sad to hear this news, but assured by the open information!

Thanks for your long lasting and hard work on Putty and other projects.

Simon Tatham

So, Windows Subsystem for Linux.

I generally like it. If I want to do Linux-shaped things on a Windows machine, which I often do, then even WSL1 is both faster, and a more faithful imitation, than Cygwin. And WSL2 is better still, on both counts. Plus you get to pick the distro of your choice. I haven't used Cygwin in years.

But I can't shake the feeling that if SQL is pronounced 'sequel', then WSL ought to be pronounced 'weasel'.

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