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Disappointed but not really surprised that #NixOS also seems to have turned into an echo-chamber of bigotry, banning an Indian man for not being aligned with their western middle-class faux-progressive values.

I don't agree with everything on srid's website, obviously. (What a weird coincidence that would be, if I agreed with another person on everything!) But the facts laid out in the page linked above speak for themselves: You *are* allowed to have political links in your profile, but only if the politics are approved of by the NixOS elites--sorry, I mean moderators.
Disappointed but not really surprised that #NixOS also seems to have turned into an echo-chamber of bigotry, banning an Indian man for not being aligned with their western middle-class faux-progressive values.

The actor of Hagrid in the Harry Potter movies, Anthony Robert McMillan OBE (commonly known as Robbie Coltrane) has passed away.

He had expressed support for J.K. Rowling after trans activists started their harassment campaign against her.

So of course, trans activists are reacting in a totally normal way you would expect of kind and loving human rights activists.

Credit on the screenshot compilation goes to @Sorelle_Arduino on Twitter.
The actor of Hagrid in the Harry Potter movies, Anthony Robert McMillan OBE (commonly known as Robbie Coltrane) has passed away.

He had expressed support for J.K. Rowling after trans activists started their harassment campaign against her.
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