I calculate my timesheets using the advanced formula called RAND()... because MADEUP() isn't a function in Excel
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I calculate my timesheets using the advanced formula called RAND()... because MADEUP() isn't a function in Excel Of course the overall likelihood is negligible BUT if it did happen it's going to be random chance Nothing like someone picking apart your data not realising how much is balanced on top of it... #Jenga Scientists are drawn to dangerous experiments like a toddler is drawn to live wires, boiling water and open roads Two-circle Venn Diagram. One circle is labeled “Lab health & safety”, the other is labeled “A tired parent”. The intersection is labeled “Constantly saying _no_ to overexcited people trying to kill themselves” In 1985, I was a 1st year Baby PhD student and when I got to the lab, there was this dirty beyond belief fume hood and an ancient setup for distillation that was used to re distill PHENOL and I was told the 1st job of every new grad student was to redistill a new lot of phenol LOL I calculate my timesheets using the advanced formula called RAND()... because MADEUP() isn't a function in Excel This is one of our most popular cartoons which we're sharing for the end of Pride Month, we've also got some new pride cartoons which we'll share next month because we love pride all the time 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ #PrideMonth #Pride If you work in cell biology, you need to come to terms with a lot of death... most of it your fault Too many existing science products run on operating systems older than some of the researchers using them, update your software companies! @errantscience i get the pain, but think about it. No Internet required, no forced updates, security vulnerabilities for everyone. In the real world, many small companies don't have the money to upgrade and maintain all these old systems IF you are using a 20 year+ old system, it is on you to maintain it The real reason that a minute isn't an official SI unit is that it's actually a highly variable length of time. I've been working for 3 days on a job that I was assured would just take a minute
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@errantscience I started counting if someone approaches me with this just takes a minute. Not answering yes or no or okay do just 1, 2, 3, 4 a lot of people totally forget what they wanted. @errantscience And every once in a while a minute is 61 seconds (or only 59 seconds) long, but we smear them together so you don't notice it. Unless you do. https://googleblog.blogspot.com/2011/09/time-technology-and-leaping-seconds.html I really hope no one is learning about separating your chemicals from this cartoon but I've been in enough chemistry labs to know that's unlikely When working in scientific research it's very important to understand your priorities and not lose foc- 🐰 @errantscience quite the opposite, unread books are more useful than read ones #umbertoeco Not all supervisors follow this flow diagram, some just do the box in the right hand bottom corner If you ever find yourself thinking “would this graph be better in 3D” the answer is always no Titration is a special process that causes you to question the meaning of time and boredom #ResearchLife #Chemistry #Chem "Hey can you just run this quick experiment for me before you go home" is the worst email to receive on a Friday afternoon and yet one of the ones I get the most often... The amount of explaining you have to do makes it exhausting being an outdoor scientist (cartoon suggested by calebinbetween) Your life should be more like a pie and less like an avocado... especially if you're working today!
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@errantscience "Ideal?" Make "work" half the size and allocate it to "Home." |
@errantscience you are missing all the folks creating GANTT diagrams!
@errantscience Definitely a missed opportunity ... MADEUP() should be a function that returns random numbers with all the statistical warts that mark numbers that people actually made up. Could be used to confound the forensic accountants.