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Because consumers are stupid addicts just like crackheads, junkies, and meth monsters, and marketers know it. #BlackFridayDeals 😎 #BlackFriday #Consumerism #Addiction #ShinyShiny

WEDNESDAY 28TH $499.99 “HOLD!” THURSDAY 28TH $499.99 “HOLD!” BLACK FRIDAY — Reduced from $799.99 to $499.99 “NOW!!!”

Bizde dinci bir hükümet olduğu için satıcılar Kara Cuma yerine Efsane cuma vs. uyduruyorlar. Müslümanlıkta cuma kutsal bir gün olduğu için (Hristiyanların pazar günü gibi)

Since we have a religious government, instead of Black Friday, sellers invent Legendary Friday, etc. Since Friday is a holy day in Islam (like Sunday for Christians)

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