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11 posts total
月の兎 :moonrabbit:

Blessed are we to live in an age where we can easily admire fine illustrations of a moon rabbit in all her glory. Ahmen.

月の兎 :moonrabbit:

Do you think there is a higher entity in life? (God, Allah, flying spaghetti Monster, mother nature, whatever) — Reisen is the higher entity, shes from the moon, that's pretty high

月の兎 :moonrabbit:

Touhou 19 looks to be like PoFV then, and Seiran is playable??

月の兎 :moonrabbit:

If you die in the fediverse, you die in real life

月の兎 :moonrabbit:

​:reisen_no:​ Can it run Doom?
​:reisen_yes:​ Can it run Bad Apple!!?

月の兎 :moonrabbit:

Some xmas art from over the past years

2016 (x2) -> 2018 -> 2020

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