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6 posts total

I connected my #XMPP account with JMP Chat and installed emacs-jabber. Now I can send SMS from #Emacs :D

I haven’t ported over my current number yet so I have to convince everyone that it’s me on a new number when I reach out to someone haha

Zettelkasten is just microblogging to your future self
Is your own mortality something you regularly think about? How does it effect you if it is?

I've been listening to quite a bit of Lex Fridman's podcast lately (started because I wanted to listen to the John Carmack episode) and Lex asks his guests about this often. They usually seem to say that they regularly do think about their own mortality and that it's a motivating factor in their day to day life.

This is not at all the case for me; I almost never think about my own mortality unprompted, and it certainly doesn't feel like it's particularly motivating when I do. I'm curious how others generally think about this.
Is your own mortality something you regularly think about? How does it effect you if it is?

I've been listening to quite a bit of Lex Fridman's podcast lately (started because I wanted to listen to the John Carmack episode) and Lex asks his guests about this often. They usually seem to say that they regularly do think about their own mortality and that it's a motivating factor in their day to day life.

@robby i like epicurus on this topic.

he says (true, lasting) happiness and freedom comes from accepting your mortality and not being afraid of it.

i think around 2015 i got to that point: i would sacrifice myself for the revolution willingly. i would die for the revolution. i know it seems a little silly, but i care about everyone’s freedom and equality that much.


Once again: abolish copyright.
Some truths about programming:

If it's not documented, it's not useful.

To write fast software, use a slow computer.

Premature optimization is the root of all evil.

Shared mutable state is the root of all evil.

The user is always right.

Software that is designed for someone is more useful than software that is designed for everyone.

Good software can be declared complete in a finite amount of time.

Text is the universal interface.

Software should be able to outlive the author.

I might add more. Feel free to share your own thoughts too.

#software #programming
Some truths about programming:

If it's not documented, it's not useful.

To write fast software, use a slow computer.
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