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You know all the random unforced tech layoffs are just labor disorganizing, right?

That's it. That's all they are. They're making us play musical chairs with our jobs to keep us from ever building enough trust to organize. Their ideal outcome is a labor pool that's too traumatized and reactive to act collectively.

Just pushing everyone into a scarcity mindset on purpose. It's the whole US economy writ small.

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Asta [AMP] inter-company guild time! They want us to play musical chairs with the companies, why not form inter-company labor orgs?!

mx alex tax1a - 2020 (4)

@jenniferplusplus not really sure why the capitalists bother, honestly. our experience trying to get tech people organized in any meaningful capacity always ended with us putting in an inordinate amount of energy that nobody else saw fit to pick up on or share, out of fear of "breaking the rules", as if the corporations would play by the rules.

(we're truly bitter about this experience — the labor pool is just too propagandized in service of capitalism already, and we can't qwhite put our finger on what keeps the majority so comfortable in their station)

@jenniferplusplus not really sure why the capitalists bother, honestly. our experience trying to get tech people organized in any meaningful capacity always ended with us putting in an inordinate amount of energy that nobody else saw fit to pick up on or share, out of fear of "breaking the rules", as if the corporations would play by the rules.

Sam Wronski

@jenniferplusplus I really think the answer to this is exterior organizing outside any single org. ERGs etc struggle with this because they are *owned* by the corporate entity, that makes them fragile.

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