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70 posts total
Tim Chambers

“Wave of Criticism Hits Zuckerberg’s Metaverse for Looking Like Crap
…‘Billions and billions poured into it and this is the result.'”

BOFH 🇺🇦 🇺🇸
We already have a metaverse though. It's called Second Life.
screenbeard :Kinoite:

@tchambers what are they talking about, that Zuckerberg avatar is photo realistic.

Григорий Клюшников

The one thing about browsers I don't understand is — why are third-party cookies still a thing after all these years? Just turn that damn setting off by default and offer no functionally equivalent replacement. That's it. That really is it. It breaks some sites? Their damn problem. There are no sufficiently popular use cases for third-party cookies that would benefit the user.

Tim Chambers

OK who can help take Matt Mullenweg up on his offer to bring #Tumblr up to full #indieweb standards? cc: @humanetech

Not a joke: this is a very real opportunity... #openweb

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Topaz, Gem Coyote

@tchambers Wish this had an image description! It won't load for us (our network is crap right now).

Unattributed 👤 ☑

@tchambers @humanetech Well, guess I closed my #Tumblr account too soon. :)

I wonder if someone could convince Matt to also add ActivityStream & WebMention to the core of #WordPress. I know there's the plugin, but I think there might be advantages to building it in directly, plus they are still supporting Blog Ping services, would be nice to see that updated.

L. Rhodes

@tchambers Oh wow. I just dusted off my old tumblr account, too, so this timing couldn't be better.

Tim Chambers

And it may take longer, but it will suffer the same fate as AOL, for the same reasons.

"Facebook is the AOL of 2021

The 1990s had a word for being trapped inside a manipulative notion of human contact: AOL. Facebook and its ilk are the rebirth of that limited vision."

Григорий Клюшников

Can't relate, we've never had anything like AOL over here 🤔

Tim Chambers

Yes. "The #Fediverse needs more developers."

"I ran through the 42 repos of every site in the Social Media category, adding the notably absent Diaspora, and I get a grand total of 76 active developers. Looking at the commit logs and pretty graphs I’d estimate that putting it in terms of full-time developers, we’re in the single digits."


@tchambers Hi! I am pretty new to this space (the Fediverse), but it is pretty exciting to me and I'd love the chance to contribute. Are there ecosystem-level places where a new dev could contribute? Or are specific projects (fedproxy?) The places that need help the most?

Tim Chambers

Interesting to see the #Mastodon users accounts getting pretty close to passing 4 million users.


@tchambers but how many of those are abandoned because they weren't able to find their friends here?

Tim Chambers

@Gargron Not that you’re back from the previous European disinfo could we do a quick chat sometime about US 2020 disinfo?

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