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8 posts total
Yehuda |

Boost! Boost! Boost!

If you think Join #Mastodon should have #BIPOC categories!


Reply what other categories do you think would be respectful and would help remove the cultural barriers of the Fediverse?

Of course BIPOC instances are smaller in a system designed to keep it that way. Mastodon and other Fediverse software need to help BIPOC navigate a network buried in whiteness.

Boost! Boost! Boost!

Boost! Boost! Boost!

If you think Join #Mastodon should have #BIPOC categories!


Reply what other categories do you think would be respectful and would help remove the cultural barriers of the Fediverse?

Of course BIPOC instances are smaller in a system designed to keep it that way. Mastodon and other Fediverse software need to help BIPOC navigate a network buried in whiteness.

Yehuda |

When you are in Mastodon, Pixelfed posts look like... Mastodon.

But when you are in Pixelfed, images are larger, the UI is cleaner with more flexibility. Totally different.

If images are your priority, #Pixelfed is for you.

Join today!


#Native #Indigenous

#JustDoItNow #DontWait
#DigitalLandBack #DigitalLandBack

When you are in Mastodon, Pixelfed posts look like... Mastodon.

But when you are in Pixelfed, images are larger, the UI is cleaner with more flexibility. Totally different.

If images are your priority, #Pixelfed is for you.

Join today!


#Native #Indigenous

Yehuda |

When you are in Mastodon, Pixelfed posts look like... Mastodon.

But when you are in Pixelfed, images are larger, the UI is cleaner with more flexibility. Totally different.

If images are your priority, #Pixelfed is for you.

Join today!

#Native #Indigenous


#JustDoItNow #DontWait
#DigitalLandBack #DigitalLandBack

When you are in Mastodon, Pixelfed posts look like... Mastodon.

But when you are in Pixelfed, images are larger, the UI is cleaner with more flexibility. Totally different.

If images are your priority, #Pixelfed is for you.

Join today!

#Native #Indigenous


𝖆𝔫𝔑𝔯𝔒𝔴 :enby_rebel:

@Yehuda But what does a Mastodon/Other-non-Pixelfed post look like in Pixelfed?

Shannon Moore

@Yehuda Does Pixelfed have a Groups function - where users can contribute images to a group like FB groups?

I'm trying to find a non-Meta platform for preserving photos for a crowd-sourced historical group I admin

Yehuda |

Boosts appreciated!

Be brave!
Be daring!
Expand your Fediverse world!
More than Mastodon awaits you!

Join the #Pixelfed instance now!

#JustDoItNow #DontWait

#Native #Indigenous owned and operated for #Allies

#Exclamation! #Exclamation! #Exclamation!
#DigitalLandBack #DigitalLandBack

Yehuda |

I documented the process for adding a DigitalOcean Spaces CDN to #Pixelfed.

Should be helpful for non-DigitalOcean CDNs too.

Hopefully this helps Pixelfed Admins.
#TurtleIslandBuzz #AlliesBuzz

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