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4 posts total
Konstantin Kulikov

Out of curiosity, I implemented a button press effect using custom shaders and Jetpack Compose.

#android #jetpackcompose #androiddevelopment #computergraphics #ui

Leon Omelan

@semper_viventem Amazing, not that I would like to see it on a daily basis, but it's amazing that something like this is doable. Great work!

Григорий Клюшников

А у тебя получилось менять uniforms у шейдера без пересоздания RenderEffect каждый кадр?

Я шейдерами делал вот так:

Konstantin Kulikov

Blur navigation bar, using #JetpackCompose and RenderEffect/RuntimeShader

Konstantin Kulikov

I've tried to implement this cool glass effect using Jetpack Compose and custom runtime shaders. Check this 😊

#android #androiddev #ui #design #JetpackCompose

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