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59 posts total

Just published a new version 2.0.0 of my Science, Programming, Art and Radioelectronics Club (SPARC) book:

The book is only in Russian for now. Maybe I'll make an English version too in the future.

I'm very proud of music programming part of the book, check it out!..


I've added some Scheme libraries to this list of cryptography awesomeness, curated by Nikita Sobolev:


The official statement of Commission on Pseudoscience
at the Russian Academy of Sciences Expert Council about astrology:

A quote (translated by me) from the document:
In this memo the Commission states that the claims of astrologists don't have any scientific ground. Astrology can be viewed as an amusement, but when astrological statements and methods are presented as something objective and scientific it must be considered as pseudo-scientific.

The official statement of Commission on Pseudoscience
at the Russian Academy of Sciences Expert Council about astrology:

A quote (translated by me) from the document:
In this memo the Commission states that the claims of astrologists don't have any scientific ground. Astrology can be viewed as an amusement, but when astrological statements and methods are presented as something objective and scientific it must be considered as pseudo-scientific.


Just published an article (in Russian) about the process of repairing Hantek DSO5102P with burnt front panel that we bought for our CADR hackerspace:

Here are DSO knob designs I made in FreeCAD:

Just published an article (in Russian) about the process of repairing Hantek DSO5102P with burnt front panel that we bought for our CADR hackerspace:


There are some crazy things happening around. Especially it's apparent when I try at least from time to time check the news. Multiply it by my personal issues factor and you get +100 to the sense of decay, gloom and despair.

I try to compensate this by working hard and doing other creative activities such as playing piano, writing a book and learning another foreign language. I gained some success here and there and it convinces me that not everything is lost at least.


There's an urge in me that I feel for a long time, a burning need of self-actualization, a need to achieve something in my life. That urge became even stronger in the last two years as it feels like the world around me is going to fall apart someday and even the legendary blue electrical tape and some glue won't be enough to fix it.


Recently I prepared a patch that fixed Kubo (IPFS) build in GNU Guix:


I'm an avid user and using it regularly for different practical tasks.

Here I designed and printed a bolt and a nut to cover an "extra" hole in my electric bike controller case that used to be covered with a piece of an adhesive tape.


Выпустил релиз 1.1.0 книги "Автомато-программато-компарадио-кружок".

Список изменений и PDF-файл книги с моей цифровой подписью доступен по ссылке:


I released my "Science, Programming, Art and Radioelectronics Club" (SPARC) book, version 1.1.0.

The change log (in Russian) and the PDF file with my GPG signature is available on the release page.


Besides, recently I found a quite interesting paper by Timothée Floure titled "Experimenting with Matrix federation over Yggdrasil":


So with the generous help of members of the Russian Guix community ( I finally prepared a patch series for GNU Guix that updates Yggdrasil to 0.5.2:


I've implemented "--number" ("-n") option in "dsv" tool from Guile-DSV ( that allows to add row/column numbering to the output.


"There's nothing as much fun as making your own tools and your toys and taking the tools and toys that you have and making them better. [...] It is a singular joy to be a maker of things and be able to make your own things to make more things... it's spectacular!"
— Adam Savage (

It applies to the software development too, I think — especially to open source/free software.


Hello, everybody! I'm the Guile-SSH ( developer and maintainer. If someone here uses GNU Guix (, chances are that you used Guile-SSH for the Guix offloading and "guix copy" features. I also wrote some other Guile-related projects that you can find on my GitHub/GitLab.

Thomas Lloyd

@avp that's really cool. Wish I had your programming / Guile skills.

Csepp 🌢

@avp :flan_cheer: hell yeah, thanks for making guix deploy possible!

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