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1 post total
Bill Phillips

Today's Android drama:

* Someone posts an extremely spicy implementation of a basic app on r/androiddev that essentially says, "All recommended best practices for Android dev are trash, just use Java and ditch all of Google's compat APIs":
* Everyone laughs at this person for being a crank
* Turns out: They are the author of mastodon-android!
* Aaaaaand this extremely dubious fork of AndroidX:

Today's Android drama:

* Someone posts an extremely spicy implementation of a basic app on r/androiddev that essentially says, "All recommended best practices for Android dev are trash, just use Java and ditch all of Google's compat APIs":
* Everyone laughs at this person for being a crank
* Turns out: They are the author of mastodon-android!
* Aaaaaand this...

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Bill Phillips

It would be nice if Mastodon's Android client weren't written and maintained by a crank who is unable to collaborate effectively or distinguish between good and bad dependencies. (Same problem, honestly)

Heath Borders

@billjings I did a personal project like this many years ago when Kotlin imposed a big compile-time penalty. I somewhat want to revive the project and do a Pepsi challenge between plain-java and Kotlin+AndroidX versions. I would never do this with anything other than toy projects tho bc no one would want to collaborate with me.

Aurimas Liutikas :google:

Fork or be forked!

Fun to see folks getting adventurous with AndroidX.

Less fun to see then being obnoxious

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