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16 posts total
Ashley Reynolds

I’m having a bad day. Got bad news this morning that now has a waiting period before it’s potentially resolved, which I can’t influence at all. Thankfully, my baby boy Khonsu is taking this as a cue to be extra affectionate. Good boy.


Ashley Reynolds

Since it’s officially #Caturday now in our time zone, Cola the #FosterCat wants to wish you a good sleep

Ashley Reynolds

New #FosterCat alert! Her name is Cola and she is smol and cute. #CatsOfMastodon

Ashley Reynolds

For a different kind of #Caturday post, how about a drawer of #lion skulls at the Royal Ontario Museum, showing off size variation

Ashley Reynolds

Sleepy Khonsu with one claw deployed. For protection.


Ashley Reynolds

This is Khonsu’s new favourite toy. Yes, it is a broken clothes hanger. He brings it to me so we can play fetch. #CatsOfMastodon

Ashley Reynolds

This is the face of a cat who would like to let you know that breakfast is now, regardless of what the clock says. #CatsOfMastodon

Ashley Reynolds

Last year I went to #Egypt with my mom. We didn’t see any cats our first couple days in Cairo (lots of street dogs though), but that changed when we got to Hurghada. Our hotel had a lovely resident ginger tomcat, who the staff called Carrot. He wandered around requesting food at meal times. #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday

Ashley Reynolds

Big Mac has the cat equivalent of resting bitch face, I love it

#FosterCat #CatsOfMastodon

Ashley Reynolds

Since it's #Caturday take a moment to consider whether you are meeting all your cats' needs. The American Association of Feline Practitioners and International Society of Feline Medicine developed the "5 pillars" and summarized them for cat guardians here:

It's okay if your home isn't perfect yet, but this will give you something to work toward if it isn't :BlobCatHeart:

Ashley Reynolds

I very rudely disturbed Khonsu to take a #Caturday photo

Ashley Reynolds

How could I possibly be expected to work anywhere else when working from home means scenes like this?

#CatsOfMastodon #Caturday

Ashley Reynolds

She took a moment from loudly demanding dinner to accept some head scritches

#CatsOfMastodon #catstodon

Ashley Reynolds

Momo has been super cuddly this week. So much lap time! #Caturday

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