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6 posts total
Alexandre Oliva
Wheee, tonight I'm flying out to the US to speak about software enshittification and how to fight it at LibrePlanet @fsf
Alexandre Oliva
.oO the bank I sued for demanding me to install malware lost
they told the judge they were in compliance with the court order to stop requiring malware, while admitting to still requiring it
today, in celebration of GNU 40th, my lawyer is initiating the procedures for the bank to pay the fines imposed by the judge so far, denouncing the bank’s contradiction. I hope it doesn’t take another 40y for me to get internet banking in freedom
.oO the bank I sued for demanding me to install malware lost
they told the judge they were in compliance with the court order to stop requiring malware, while admitting to still requiring it
Alexandre Oliva
wheee... it's already Sept 27 where the founder of GNU is currently located. this means we can already start celebrating GNU's 40-year anniversary! happy birthday to GNU, and may you all receive the gift of software freedom! bring on the next 40 years!
Alexandre Oliva
.oO the sad thing about debian's ongoing vote is not that the question "should we help hardware builders screw users who don't know better?" is debated, it's that the votable answers are "yes", "harder" and "with moderation". 'for freedom and users' much?
Alexandre Oliva
.oO what a beautiful set of studies on the correlation between overconfidence about one's knowledge and rejection of scientific consensus
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