@rf Извините, что сегодня без мемов про темы для регулярок и без мемного подгона. Вашего покорного слугу (и его инстанс) сегодня немножечко штормит. Однако он обязательно подоспеет к сроку. А какой срок? 21 по МСК, на старом добром XXIV Production. Регулярные Выражения: https://xxivproduction.video/w/9fegf4qz797qHh9YSEy7tp On a more serious note - the only languages that you can confuse with Russian are Ukrainian and Belorussian, others are too different to be confused because of word construction and sentence construction. @ZySoua письменный болгарский так-то совпадает по алфавиту с русским, так что нешарящие легко спутают Между прочим, сегодня вечером будет выпуск Регулярных Выражений. Кто пойдет? Что принесете с собой? Между прочим, сегодня вечером будет выпуск Регулярных Выражений. Кто пойдет? Что принесете с собой? Внимание! И 90% граждан не замечают подвоха. @eternal_cringe@masturbated.one an icecream shop near my work made "AI powered icecream" "Artesanal Inteligence"
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@siguza Just checked and … having the site open alone causes more requests than what I like to call the Fedi-Hammer on my little site (which I notice in my request statistics, but not on server resources) … For context: A typical load of my site is 100KB with a cold cache and the html is 10 to 20KB … including a decorative banner image. Also if one has a >1MB preview image >1000px wide … apology denied. @siguza That's not to mention it's loaded with broken scripts that are causing 400s and 403s loading external resources, at least one redirect loop, and so much more. They seem to have at least four ad exchange providers *just from the ones erroring out*. Some Google ad thing is going absolutely nuts. This really is an unusable abomination. They should be ashamed of it. Even if they had or have a legit problem with thundering herds (which they can solve), there's no excuse for what they are.
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@ZySoua I would think a MacRo would be wearing a kilt.
I love this