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Dr. Quadragon ❌

@spacemagick Fucking... Exactly.

Why? WHYYYYYY? Do we really need this shit in Unicode? Or did we fucking run out of things to do as far as writing systems are concerned? Somebody over at Unicode Consortium has too much free time, g-sus.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

seeing "our partnership with OpenAI" next to a notice saying ai generated content is banned is both really funny and really dark

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Сегодня, между прочим, будут Регулярные Выражения. Кто пойдет? Что принесете с собой?


Gnosyz 🖖

@drq А термоядерные боеголовки можно?

тёплый ветер тихо воет :wave1:

International Day Against Homophobia Biphobia Lesbophobia Interphobia and Transphobia

но Википедия называет его немного по-другому, IDAHBIAT



@drq Лол, они теперь у Корела? 😅

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I've been contemplating my heel-face turn from a pessimistic edgelord to a proudly, albeit cautiously, optimistic person.

And it's not self-deceit. It's not like I've stopped seeing the terrible darkness at the bottom of everything. I just realized, over the years, that dwelling on it gets you nowhere, and it, sure as hell, does as much to help the situation as shouting at an ATM gets you richer.

Pessimism, much like loneliness, is intoxicating and highly addictive. It's poison, it's fucking heroin. It drains your willpower, it lulls you in that insidiously blissful sense of "there's no point an anything, and I'm superior to the plebs around me for seeing it", and "You don't have to do anything, what's the point, you're so clever". It kills you from the inside.

I've been contemplating my heel-face turn from a pessimistic edgelord to a proudly, albeit cautiously, optimistic person.

And it's not self-deceit. It's not like I've stopped seeing the terrible darkness at the bottom of everything. I just realized, over the years, that dwelling on it gets you nowhere, and it, sure as hell, does as much to help the situation as shouting at an ATM gets you richer.

Gnosyz 🖖

@drq look where your optimism have brought you… /not even a joke at this point

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Trying out Gitea Actions, which is based on Github Actions.

Checkout action is okay, when used with the default runner ubuntu image.

When used with the original image (like, stock debian), it breaks.

Because checkout action is written in fucking typescript, and most distros don't have node.js installed.


Dr. Quadragon ❌
:cacogun: STOP SCROLLING :cacogun:

Reply with links to the top three songs you have been listening to lately

Then Repeat/Boost/Bonk/ActivityPub:ANNOUNCE/Whatever this post.

Then nobody gets hurt ya hear? :cacogun:
:cacogun: STOP SCROLLING :cacogun:

Reply with links to the top three songs you have been listening to lately
Dr. Quadragon ❌

When you hear a person say "I have to deal with parents who, almost exclusively, are bell-ends", don't automatically assume they are a kid or a teenager.

They can also be a teacher.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

- но мы же не можем прямо тут
- физиологически - можем
- но мы же не животные
- биологичеcки - животные
- но у нас же есть какие-то морально-этические принципы
- теоретически - есть

Dr. Quadragon ❌

What an amazing treat to learn that now has versions of NeXTSTEP that run in your browser. Amazing.

Of course I had to fire up NeXTSTEP 3.3 to see if this was still in there ... I wonder what happened to that other guy?

Aaron Vegh

@shayman One went on to have an illustrious career at Apple. The other went into theatre.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

what if you
wanted to go to Heaven
but le magic book said


Dr. Quadragon ❌

This guy is amazing. I should watch more of his videos... and also read up on Kodak :blobcateyes:

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Дорогие HRы.

Прекратите в объявлениях о работе писать "до n рублей".

Мы, блять, айтишники. Большинство из нас знают математику за 1 класс средней школы. Кого вы пытаетесь наебать.

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Зайчик Подколодный

@drq читать как "теоретически возможный верхний предел зарплаты".

MikeVV :verified:

@drq пугает то что знает «большинство» а не все


@drq "Кого вы пытаетесь наебать." фильтры сортировки по размеру зп, видимо...

n0icz ☮🏳‍🌈

@ZySoua ожидала полный латный доспех - это вот реально expensive. Но и так весьма хороша :blobcat_googly_blushy:

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@yogthos Have you heard of the book Principia Mathematica?

1+1=2 is not as obvious as you might think, it's just what you're used to.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

One can keep their mental disorders well at bay if they are willing to get help, and commit to it.

The problem is, mental disorders are awesome at annihilating the will to get help and commit to it.


Yastreb :verifiedpolyam:


Once I heard opinion (literally) "I want to be depressive".

Dr. Quadragon ❌

There's also an unexpected and very dangerous pitfall of "Oh, I feel marginally better, I guess I don't need to bother anymore!"

And you give up coming for help, or taking medications, and that's where it all goes to shit.

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