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Dr. Quadragon ❌

One can keep their mental disorders well at bay if they are willing to get help, and commit to it.

The problem is, mental disorders are awesome at annihilating the will to get help and commit to it.


Yastreb :verifiedpolyam:


Once I heard opinion (literally) "I want to be depressive".

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@yastreb Why? It's hell. There's nothing to be gained by it.

Yastreb :verifiedpolyam:

@drq yes, but this person was already in depression. In addition, there were some dislike of CBT interventions.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

There's also an unexpected and very dangerous pitfall of "Oh, I feel marginally better, I guess I don't need to bother anymore!"

And you give up coming for help, or taking medications, and that's where it all goes to shit.

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