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DLARC ham radio library

The California Historical Radio Society contributed hundreds of video and audiotapes documenting various DXpeditions, going back as far as the 1960s (though most from the '80s and '90s.) 80 of these presentations have been digitized so far — check them out at

DLARC ham radio library

Ronnie Milsap invites you to his hobby, amateur radio! Circa 1995.

"Whatever age you are, you will find excitement using amateur radio.

We have our own satellites, they're called OSCARs.

Or just hook up your computer to your ham radio and meet other people just as enthusiastic as you are."

DLARC ham radio library

Today's great manual sort project at the Internet Archive physical storage warehouse was a huge success. About 15 volunteers throughout helped smash through SO much material. All in all we ended up with four pallets of radio or radio-adjacent material that is going to get scanned. We sifted through another 11 pallets of material that we deemed "not radio." We have a few more palettes to sift though, a project for the future.


Spent yesterday morning helping @dlarc with this, and met some really cool people in the process. Many hands make light work – so happy I could help!

DLARC ham radio library

Want to help Internet Archive's Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications? Are you in or around #Oakland, California? Are you available WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30?

In 2015 #InternetArchive acquired a *massive* collection of manuals, rescued from the closing Manuals Plus in Maryland. The manuals were packed up and sent to San Francisco, awaiting for a day some or all of it would be digitized. That day has come.

We need help sorting the manuals, looking for the radio-related stuff.

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Delroy L

@dlarc I'm in Oakland on Aug 30 at California Digital Library for a conference. I wish I had more free time.

jenny from the bloc

@dlarc I have class until three in SF (may end earlier than that, but it's scheduled until then) but if it can be a late afternoon/early evening thing I can hop on BART as soon as I get out! i have almost no experience with this kind of thing but i learn fast and am always willing to be an extra set of hands

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