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1 post total
Max Goodhart

Yesterday morning, I pulled open my laptop to send a quick email. It had a frozen black screen, so I rebooted it, and… oh crap.

My 2-year-old SSD had unceremoniously died.

This was a gut punch, but I had an ace in the hole. I'm typing this from my restored system on a brand new drive.

In total, I lost about 10 minutes of data. Here's how. (Spoilers: )

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she hacked you

@chromakode Its not detecting bootable media.

Got to your BIOS when booting (DEL, or F1). Then see if you can see the drive. If not you will probably need to open the laptop and re-seat it. And if that fails, you should plug it into another computer to get all the data off and see if its a hardware issue.

If its hardware, be very careful during recovery, too many I/O interactions could damage it further.

Hard drives have like U shaped curves. They either break fastor after like ˜7 years.

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