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8 posts total
ari melody πŸ’«

normalising mental health issues is good! giving a platform to people who have had to live through awful damaging stuff is incredibly important

normalising mental health issues like they're a cool personality trait you're gonna deliberately feed over time, is generally not a good idea. you should probably seek proper help for your issues rather than hand-waving it all with "hehe i'm so silly :3".

through all 21 years i've lived though, i've rarely seen people like that take good advice to heart.

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@ari ngl after this meme came out I realized that I do automatically inhale the deck's exhaust air the first time it goes into hairdryer mode in a session :blobcatsweat:


@ari I need this in my life. My steam deck has long lost the factory scent 😭

ari melody πŸ’«

fossheads when their grandmother's life support runs on soy proprietary x86 architecture instead of chad free and open-source RISC-V architecture

Avebury Rosetta :transistor:

@ari CLOSOS users when the server seeding their pirated CS textbooks runs on soy limited infix operation Linux instead of glorious and delightfully recursive S-expression-based languages


@ari What if I told you that x86 is actually just RISC with microcode to translate from the programmer-facing CISC

ari melody πŸ’«

200: okay ❀️ yay ❀️

201: we made it!!

302: you have it!!

400: what???

401: we don't know who you are!

403: we know who you are. πŸ–•

404: we forgor πŸ’€

418: our developer is silly and likes to have fun :3 also you fcked up

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HTTP/1.1 300 Multiple Choices
Content-Type: text/html
Location: /home.html

You find yourself in an unfamiliar courtyard. A fountain bubbles and crickets chirp. There is a <a href='/home.html'>well-lit doorway</a> with 'Home' written above it in friendly letters and faint birdsong echoing within.

At the other end is an <a href='/ocean.html'>Gateway</a> through which you can see the sun setting over an ocean. It makes you feel inexplicably anxious.

HTTP/1.1 300 Multiple Choices
Content-Type: text/html
Location: /home.html

You find yourself in an unfamiliar courtyard. A fountain bubbles and crickets chirp. There is a <a href='/home.html'>well-lit doorway</a> with 'Home' written above it in friendly letters and faint birdsong echoing within.

evil Ariadne is on Kitsu now!

@ari this has been done before but whatever go off

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​


307: hold up, that guy has it for now

410: we actually forgor, this is no longer here

413: your requests are too fat, did you put an 8 terabyte blobcat png in there? :blobcat:

415: your blobcat png is not a png and we don't know what it is, so no

ari melody πŸ’«

wet-dry world: intro

audio by me
video by @mae

(script in alt text)

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:LiquidBeans: :baba_hera: :LiquidBeans:

@ari @mae I am now genuinely considering making an alt just because of this

certified computer toucher

@ari @mae @darkphoenix lmao, nice
where did you get a clean copy of the Big Bill Hell’s library music however



ari melody πŸ’«

hey guysss what do you think of my new web design? :3

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Mai Lapyst :v_trans:

@ari You forgot the 5+ unskippable auto-playing trailers that only stop if you forcefully close your browser.

And crypto. ALOT OF CRYPTO. Atleast a little miner. :D xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

vyivel :: Either Kira [🐁]
@ari …the cw is enough to make the joke actually
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