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3 posts total
Gamayun 🖤

Не знаю, в курсе они или нет, но Z значит Zorglub!

@rf @ua

Zorglub smoking in front of an army of brainwashed Z-men, red zorglumobiles hovering in the air behind them.
Spirou and the comte de Champignac are walking away from a Zorglumobile they have just crashed. Zorglub is standing red faced biting his fist.
C. de Champignac: "Whoopsy-daisy! Sorry about that!"
Spirou: "What a klutz I am! Just as we were setting down, I got my pedals all mixed up -- go figure!"
Spip the squirrel is thinking: "Fly the friendly skies, my eye!"
Zorglub propaganda poster with Zorglub in front of a host of drones with the letter Z on their chests, and the text: Eviv L'esnemmi Bulgroz
Gamayun 🖤

@rf @ua
Многоуважаемые друзья!
Тут у меня маленький опрос:
Почем у вас сегодня булочка хлеба?
И где вы? (Ну, типа, в городе или на деревне.)

Gamayun 🖤

Вот вот собирается Окленд.
Украина, мы с вами!
@rf @ua

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