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12 posts total
Arne Babenhauserheide

The quarter of the #Hurd 2023-q4 is online, and it’s ripe with awesome improvements!

It’s awesome to see others take up a project I started 15 years earlier! (the qoth)

#GNU #freesoftware #news


@ArneBab #GNU #Hurd still exists?

I thought of it as #Abandonware and #Stallman being on #Copium because #Linux owns the space these days...

Arne Babenhauserheide

@bioluminescently @eaton that’s a perfect descriptions of what I loved about the Internet.

You could find the enthusiasts and get their expertise by simply reading what they wrote for the world to see.

EDIT: though that was also the time when running a Forum wasn’t a full-time job just to keep the spambots out …

Arne Babenhauserheide

@itisiboller that is so to the point! ❤️

May I quote her on that?¹ If yes, how should I attribute her/you?

¹: on

Arne Babenhauserheide

@daviwil that sounds like an interesting take — in Freenet / Hyphanet we’re struggling to keep contributors and we have some strict reviewing, so maybe there’s something to take from it.

Arne Babenhauserheide

#Emacs #Skewer mode:

Live-Editing of in-browser #HTML and #CSS from Emacs.

Also a #Javascript Shell.

HTML and Javascript are still kind of brittle, but the CSS-support is rock-solid and a great way to build a #website.


Arne Babenhauserheide

@abcdw Regarding testing: do you know my doctest module?

That’s how I want procedure-tests to work.

To execute the tests in the module when running the main proc:

(define %this-module (current-module))
(define (main args)
(doctests-testmod %this-module))

Andrew Tropin

@ArneBab I didn't know about it, but it's a cool idea, thank you! Maybe I'll borrow some parts of it.

Andrew Tropin

@ArneBab Wow, I didn't know that we can attach metadata for function by providing a vector with metadata before body!

Arne Babenhauserheide

#lilypond 2.24.1 released!

The biggest change for me is that it now officially works with #Guile 2.2, and that Guile 3.0 can be used.

But that’s just because my music engraving needs are pretty basic. The changelog shows just how many improvements the lilypond team packed into the release — showing that they aren’t only the go-to tool in their domain but continue to push the boundaries of quality in music engraving.

Arne Babenhauserheide

@tomw I don’t worry about that as long as we still have indexes that allow us to find the reliable ones.

We’ll need to re-focus on community for that, though: Following trails left by other people to find books worth reading.

Or following suggestions by experts (though we’ve seen in the past how easy it can be to misrepresent someone as expert — like with the tobacco-industry).

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