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Hey y’all since it seems that some political troll farms may have joined the fediverse as of a few days ago and are potentially targeting now with accounts posting some of the stupidest political reply guy takes… it should be said to please be extremely suspicious if you get a weirdo in your replies being extra politically aggressive or deliberately trying to start a fight. Report and block. Do not argue. Do not let them waste your time.

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@gavi my god why would they reply to this post lmaoo

Petra van Cronenburg

@gavi Reporting works quite well on Mastodon - so reporting BEFORE blocking helps a lot that such "farms" are isolated quickly.


@gavi We got muted over here. More and more that seems like it was a good choice on our instance admin's part.


dont feel bad for using your local library and its services if you have a good local library system. literally use the hell out of its services if you can, it gives them justification to keep getting funding

this post is sponsored by Big Library

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Paul Sutton


Yup, as I was taught on a rugby referee courses, if the maul is not going anywhere, the ref can say 'use it or lose it'. The same goes for library and similar services.



Was in libraries while tripping on the country, just fun to sit in the different places but not in the room.

Also how understand some libraries have a common access to book sharing online, I mean own internet system and when you are registering then possible to connect to them and when you return continue the reading.

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