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2 posts total
Fiona Gregory

This is the most amazing interactive map I have come across lately. The interface is simple. Put in a city and see what other place it will be most like in climate in 60 years, when today's children will be seniors, at current rates of carbon burning. The results are shocking - completely different biomes. Then you can compare that with what happens if we reduce emissions.

screenshot of app in action. A map and an arrow pointing from one place to another.
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@fionag11 Interesting, but I am a bit sceptical that any real accuracy is possible in making forecasts for such a complex system. Does this, for example, take into account the Atlantic conveyor and its potential collapse?

Jon Sullivan

@fionag11 That is a clever way to illustrate the magnitude of the climate changes barrelling down at us.

I tried it for cities in Aotearoa-New Zealand, where I live, and by 2080 all South Island cities will have temperatures like the current climates of North Island cities, Wellington will have temperatures like current Auckland. Northern NZ cities, like Auckland, will have temperatures like Sydney, Australia.

Those are massive shifts for any native species that likes it where they are now.

Duncan Babbage

@fionag11 while the results are significant, I still worry they are not shocking enough.

In particular, this doesn’t warn about the likelihood of frequent extreme weather events, which will probably be at least as impactful as the changes in baseline climates in any particular location.

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