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Free Software Foundation

We're still looking for volunteer moderators from our associate membership to help with the FSF's upcoming board nominee discussion forum. Interested? Email

Free Software Foundation

There are many ways to help support the FSF. Ensure that software freedom is protected for many generations to come by adding the FSF to your estate plan. Read how:

Free Software Foundation

Have you always wanted to work at an organization that puts people and freedom at its center? The FSF is seeking a full-time deputy director:

Free Software Foundation

Savannah is looking for #hackers! Help is needed for project submission evaluations, working on and improving the Web UI, documentation, and more! Read how you can become a Savannah Hacker and become a part of this important part of #softwarefreedom at

Free Software Foundation

FerretDB announced its release 1.0 and thereby brings MongoDB database workloads back to their free software roots. Read more at

Free Software Foundation

"Can I use the GPL for something other than software?" It's an interesting question. There's an answer on the #GPLFAQ page. Read it here:

Free Software Foundation

"WorldVistA EHR is a slightly modified version of the Department of Veterans Affairs Electronic Health Record, VistA." Learn about WorldVistA EHR version of the Department of VA Electronic Health Record at an upcoming online #LibrePlanet talk:

Free Software Foundation

Emacs does just about anything! Get the most out of #emacs with GNU Emacs Manual, Nineteenth edition, for Emacs version 27.2 from #GNUPress

Free Software Foundation

You can now relive LibrePlanet: Charting the Course and catch up on the talks you missed with videos, slides, and audio on GNU MediaGoblin:

Free Software Foundation

Help us give a big #ThankGNU to Trevor Spiteri, Camille Akmut, Tobias Platen, Dock Williams, Walker Holahan, and Devin Roth for their generous donation. Contributions such as these help the #fsf fight for freedom! Check out for a full list of donors.

Free Software Foundation

US taxpayers: Call on the IRS to provide libre tax-filing software! Read the FSF's latest article, and learn how you can participate:

Free Software Foundation

Flashback to this blog post from former campaigns intern Leonardo Vignini intern which details the history of #DRM: where did Digital Restrictions Management start, how did it get this bad, and what can we do about it?

Free Software Foundation

FerretDB announced its release 1.0 and thereby brings MongoDB database workloads back to their free software roots. Read more at

Free Software Foundation

Assigning your copyright to the Free Software Foundation helps us defend the GPL and keep software free. #GNU Questions about copyright assignment? Check out the new FAQ:


@fsf Not listed in the FAQ:

Doesn't copyright assignment defeat the purpose of copyleft licenses by allowing the assignee to relicense with a non-copyleft or even proprietary license?

What is the benefit—to contributors—of assignment over a more limited contributor agreement that grants specific permissions to add certain kinds of exceptions as needed, combined with "or any later version" licensing?

Free Software Foundation

Read this blogpost from our latest tech intern Nick Shrader, who shares his journey up the #FreedomLadder, his experience as an intern at FSF, and why he believes free software is so very important: Thank you Nick for being a part of the team!

Free Software Foundation

Our Email Self-Defense guide teaches you how to defend yourself and others by using encryption. Check out the updated version, get your GnuPG set up, and share with absolutely everyone you know with #UserFreedom:

Free Software Foundation

"While code-generating AI systems like CoPilot have emerged as a powerful tool for professional developers, there are growing legal and ethical concerns around the development of these models." Mark your calendar for this upcoming online talk. More info:


@fsf copilot and the like are probably the number one threat to free software's existence right? If they're allowed to launder code and disregard the license... is FSF planning a strategy for this?

Free Software Foundation

The FSF is one of the carefully selected charitable organizations across the US that federal, some state, and local employees can donate through payroll deductions, support #FreeSoftware by supporting the FSF in Combined Federal Campaign. #GiveCFC

Free Software Foundation

Interested to learn more about the newly launched FSF board nomination and review process? This post details the nomination process along with a helpful chart of the procedure:

Free Software Foundation

We love freedom 1, the freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish. Boost this post to share this freedom!

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