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2,031 posts total
Free Software Foundation

As for free software, I consider it to be a public good that can benefit humanity. - Adrien BĂ©raud. Read more in our #WorkingTogether series:

Free Software Foundation

Protect developer freedom. Abolish software patents. Learn why software patents are unjust by checking out the new design of our #endsoftwarepatents initiative.

Free Software Foundation

Learn how to chart your course to digital recipe freedom in this workshop with Adam Monsen: Celebrate your favorite home-cooked meals with all their history, comfort, and tradition. Cherish and share these meals with friends and family. #LibrePlanet

Free Software Foundation

Our "Respects Your Freedom" (RYF) certification program helps you find hardware that doesn't violate your right to control the devices you own. Learn more, and shop while supporting companies that support your freedom: #RYF

Free Software Foundation

This summer's goal is to welcome 175 new associate members to the FSF. Help us in achieving our goal to enable a community working together for free software. #WorkingTogether

Free Software Foundation

Our "Respects Your Freedom" (RYF) certification program helps you find hardware that doesn't violate your right to control the devices you own. Learn more, and shop while supporting companies that support your freedom: #RYF

Ivan :blobcatverified:

it's amazing this kind of endevour checking which hardware respects your privacy but, I'd like SO MUCH to know: Is Framework Computer and Fairphone hardware brands #RYF compliant ??

Ivan :blobcatverified:

lately, I was thinking about libre or #RYF hardware (that's the term I was looking for) for SAN storage networks: besides the network cards: Is there any complete #RYF compliant solution for: servers, FC / iSCSI switches, UPS units, drives and dedicated storage controllers ?

or this area is empty of libre hardware ?

Free Software Foundation

The dream is to do all our computing in freedom. Through the efforts of every single person working toward this vision, we are able to achieve it piece by piece. If you are able, please participate by becoming an associate member of the FSF and help yourself and others achieve this dream. #WorkingTogether

Free Software Foundation

What if I discover a possible violation of the GPL? "You should report it. First, check the facts as best you can. Then tell the publisher or copyright holder of the specific GPL-covered program." Read the full answer #GNUGPLFAQ

Free Software Foundation

Read why "Web Environment Integrity" is terrible, and why we must vocally oppose it now. Google's latest maneuver, if we don't act to stop it, threatens our freedom to explore the Internet with browsers of our choice: #EndDRM #Enshittification #Google #WebStandards


@fsf Why can't a browser pretend that it has not been tampered with? #google #wei #webenvironmentintegrity Integrity

Free Software Foundation

New members from our current member drive share their reasons for joining: "Now more than ever, we need to protect our access to free (libre) computing." Join Peter House, who found us on #Mastodon (good for you!) and joined yesterday, and others during our appeal -- which ends TODAY -- via #WorkingTogether #FreeSoftware

Free Software Foundation

Don't miss your chance to both support the FSF and receive this awesome gift! It's a sustainable and stylish, genuine wood GNU head sticker. All you need to do is sign up as an associate member by TODAY, July 28. Also, don't forget that an FSF membership is a great gift for the freedom-loving folks in your life. #WorkingTogether #FreeSoftware #Swag #Fun #GNU

Free Software Foundation

The more we work together, the more we can accomplish. This summer, we are highlighting this important theme. Consider participating by becoming one of the next 25 new members we need before July 28, or simply by sharing this message: #WorkingTogether

Free Software Foundation

We love freedom 2, the freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others. Boost this post if you LOVE this freedom, and want others to know about it, too! Also, read more about the FSF and its mission at

Free Software Foundation

Our GNU head T-shirt is back in a new color and with new sunglasses! But it now for yourself and your friends! #WorkingTogether

Free Software Foundation

Interested to know more about the history of the FSF and free software? Follow the FSF's thirty-five (plus!) years of advocating for software freedom with our timeline project: #UserFreedom

Free Software Foundation

Learn how to chart your course to digital recipe freedom in this workshop with Adam Monsen: Celebrate your favorite home-cooked meals with all their history, comfort, and tradition. Cherish and share these meals with friends and family. #LibrePlanet

Free Software Foundation

The FSF is one of the carefully selected charitable organizations across the US that federal, some state, and local employees can donate through payroll deductions, support #FreeSoftware by supporting the FSF in Combined Federal Campaign. #GiveCFC

Free Software Foundation

Learn how to chart your course to digital recipe freedom in this workshop with Adam Monsen: Celebrate your favorite home-cooked meals with all their history, comfort, and tradition. Cherish and share these meals with friends and family. #LibrePlanet

Free Software Foundation

Our GNU head T-shirt is back in a new color and with new sunglasses! But it now for yourself and your friends! #WorkingTogether

Free Software Foundation

Don't miss your chance to both support the FSF and receive this awesome gift! It's a sustainable and stylish, genuine wood GNU head sticker. All you need to do is sign up as an associate member by tomorrow, July 28. Also, don't forget that an FSF membership is a great gift for the freedom-loving folks in your life. #WorkingTogether

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