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2,031 posts total
Free Software Foundation

Did someone say encryption? Encryption helps protect the privacy of people you communicate with, and makes life difficult for bulk surveillance systems. Learn more with our Email Self Defense guide: #GPG #PGP #E2E #encryption



Your tutorial assumes that Thunderbird uses GnuPG by default, but this is not true. Thunderbird uses RNP by default, which is a different implementation of OpenPGP. I agree that enabling GnuPG is essential for YubiKey and other encryption cards, but RNP is much more stable.

Free Software Foundation

Do you have the passion and skill to be the next licensing and compliance manager for the FSF? Read more about this full-time position: #helpwanted

Free Software Foundation

Why should we insist on free software in education? "[B]ecause it is the only software that allows them to accomplish their essential missions: to disseminate human knowledge and to prepare students to be good members of their community." Read more:

Free Software Foundation

Free software powers the web and so much of modern computing. Help us make sure that every computer user has freedom by supporting our working together with the community. Become a member by July 21. #WorkingTogether

Free Software Foundation

Need to know whether a piece of hardware is supported by free software? #hNode has you covered! Its search engine will help you verify #freesoftware compatibility.

Free Software Foundation

Everyone in the free software community does their part to work together for global software freedom. Join the FSF and support our work here: #WorkingTogether

Free Software Foundation

Our "Respects Your Freedom" (RYF) certification program helps you find hardware that doesn't violate your right to control the devices you own. Learn more, and shop while supporting companies that support your freedom: #RYF

Free Software Foundation

What do the right to repair movement, web browser privacy, and a volunteer rescue response to an earthquake have in common? They are all topics covered in our latest FSF Bulletin. Check it out at #WorkingTogether

Free Software Foundation

Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Siyang He, Colin Woodbury, Labib Abidur Rahman Asari, Reuben Rhys Thomas, and Colin Woodbury for assigning their copyright to the FSF! More: #CopyrightAssignments

Free Software Foundation

Free software needs a strong community. Help us to reach our goal of 175 new associate members by gifting a membership: #WorkingTogether

Free Software Foundation

Let's work on the LibrePlanet wiki 🌐 together on July 26! ✏️

The LibrePlanet wiki is a valuable resource for anyone interested in free software. The wiki has resources for everything from finding and connecting with local free software teams to handy repositories of free software advocacy materials for helping educate those around you. Let's work together to improve this valuable community resource.

#WorkingTogether #LibrePlanet #FreeSoftware

Let's work on the LibrePlanet wiki 🌐 together on July 26! ✏️

The LibrePlanet wiki is a valuable resource for anyone interested in free software. The wiki has resources for everything from finding and connecting with local free software teams to handy repositories of free software advocacy materials for helping educate those around you. Let's work together to improve this valuable community resource.

Free Software Foundation

The day is today! Join us for the #LibrePlanet wiki edit fest today in a couple hours (Wednesday, July 26, 12:30–14:00 EDT (16:30–18:00 UTC)). If you want to join by BigBlueButton, registration is required. Please read more at

We will be #WorkingTogether on this valuable community resource.

Free Software Foundation

From the preamble of the GNU GPL: "[T]he GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free software for all its users. [...]"

Free Software Foundation

Report reveals that commercial tax preparation software companies shared names, e-mail addresses, income, refund amounts, and more of taxpayer with Meta, Google, and other tech companies: This is one more reason to call on the IRS to provide libre tax-filing software: #LibreTaxes #Facebook #Meta #Google #TurboTax

Free Software Foundation

New members share their reasons for joining: "Sharing my project with members." -- Luis Fagundes | Join Luis, who joined just over the weekend, and others during our appeal -- going on NOW -- via #WorkingTogether

Free Software Foundation

New article from the FSF tech team: Senior System Administrator Andrew Engelbrecht takes you behind the scenes and shares the work the tech team has been doing to keep the FSF systems running smoothly and reliably -- and in freedom. Read the full article at #WorkingTogether

Free Software Foundation

#DRM isn't just an annoyance -- it's a violation of your right to use the items you own as you see fit. Learn more about our Defective by Design campaign at, and follow our campaign account at @endDRM

Internet Rando

@fsf @endDRM

please make more of these stickers, and then make them easy to buy (especially in bulk) :D

Free Software Foundation

Our favorite one-of-a-kind Baby GNU is small, soft and poised, and ready to migrate onto your computer desk, bookshelf, or bed: #WorkingTogether

Free Software Foundation

Did you know that, for educational purposes, the FSF maintains a collection of translations of the GPLs? Check out for links to these unofficial translations, how to submit new translations, and why they are not officially valid.

Free Software Foundation

Free software needs a strong community. Help us to reach our goal of 175 new associate members by gifting a membership: #WorkingTogether


@fsf how about you be honest about the strong community and change this picture to reflect it, last time I checked it is made out of all white guys but I guess even in linux it is somehow important to go woke and pander to woman and minorities, will trangenders and gays be next group to pander to?

Free Software Foundation

Our Email Self-Defense guide teaches you how to defend yourself and others by using encryption. Check out the updated version, get your GnuPG set up, and share with absolutely everyone you know with #UserFreedom:

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