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United Space Cats 😻

A couple of last minute donations (thanks to Anonymous & Sean M) means I'm now at 94.4% of my goal -- and the world gets another cat picture!

(Tegan wants you to help me STRETCH to the final goal figure. Donate now!)

United Space Cats 😻

This kit arrived yesterday, waiting on the other 2 kits in this series arriving - might be a while since they are coming from Lithuania!
I adore blackwork and stitching on black fabric. Tempting to abandon all the other WIPs to get this one done.

United Space Cats 😻

The Opalcat has baked this Loaf Of Disappointment for me. Look at that air of disdainful judgement on her face.

United Space Cats 😻

Buenos días!🙂🙂
En el veo una mano calcetín hablando de izquierdas.
Y como no, Gato desayunando conmigo, porque es un ser que nunca me abandona
Vamos al lío que hoy empieza un finde intensito.( realmente, para mi siempre son intensitos🤔🤔 creo q vuelvo a aprovechar la vida 🫠)

United Space Cats 😻

Thank You for Your Donation, Stranger 😽🐾🐾🐾💐🍗 and a good weekend, and significant others 🤞 🌄 🐾 🖖

United Space Cats 😻

It's been a long day -- needs a soothing, peaceful picture to cap it off...

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