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David Mitchell :CApride:


Oddly enough, this is not the standard the 1% holds themselves to: their paths are littered with bankruptcies, broken relationships, and the battered, exploited people they walked over to get where they were going; and we are told to laud them as ‘successes’.

Success? -> Take joy in today, love and be loved, find beauty in the rain, and if you can, do your small part to leave a world were all that is a little easier for the next generation.


@saxnot Thanks for the full transcript! Just a note though - the alt attribute is treated as plain text, so the URLs you put there get read out by screen readers, which is a little awkward - along the lines of h-t-t-p-colon slash slash etc.

jamie 𐂂

@saxnot my theory is that this attitude comes from how people talk about big tech. For them, it needs to mean forever. Google and Amazon would much sooner infinitely enshittify themselves before even considering closing doors. To them, shutting down means a fundamental shift in society.

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