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7 posts total

Currently, me and my family are going through a hard time financially. I don't have a job (despite my searches) and my parents aren't getting any active income because of the writers' strike.

If you like what I do or just want to support me, I would seriously appreciate it.

Here are some links. Please, do not donate through OpenCollective or LiberaPay. Those are for the Firefish project and not for personal/life expenses. (preferred)

Furthermore, if you have anything you want done freelance coding/web design related, please send me a message.

Currently, me and my family are going through a hard time financially. I don't have a job (despite my searches) and my parents aren't getting any active income because of the writers' strike.

If you like what I do or just want to support me, I would seriously appreciate it.

Here are some links. Please, do not donate through OpenCollective or LiberaPay. Those are for the Firefish project and not for personal/life expenses. (preferred)


Please stop tagging me in comments of people asking for help! I can sometimes give help with Firefish, but I can't do that all day. We have both community support channels and paid support if you need help with Firefish. ​:boost_requested:​


Saw a cool light pattern under a bridge on my morning walk


Yet another PSA: Please, please check a project's issue tracker before filing an issue. We don't need 10 duplicates of the same issue. There's a reason you're asked to check for duplicates before filing an issue. Pass it on. ​:boost_ok:​


I appreciate all the enthusiasm around Calckey Firefish and the desire for new features, but please don't come into my replies and demand I add something or fix something immediately. I don't know you. You are not my boss.


PSA: the comments section of developers' posts (or pinging developers out of the blue) are not issue trackers or bug report forms!

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