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12 posts total
H. Faust
From the acclaimed show "Carnival Phantasm" and some shitty VN, Nendoroid Arcueid. #smilefest2022
H. Faust
"Since the Microsoft 3rd Party UEFI CA certificate signs the bootloaders for all Linux distributions, trusting the Microsoft 3rd Party UEFI CA signature in the UEFI database increase s the attack surface of systems. A customer who intended to only trust and boot a single Linux distribution will trust all distributions – much more than their desired configuration." Good old Microsoft, it never changes!
H. Faust
Time to update this image I suppose:
H. Faust
The GNU Smile Company finally released the nendo I wanted
H. Faust
I have an offer, I will buy Pleroma for 43 billion Zimbabwean dollars and force them to implement groups.
H. Faust
Pleroma developers: "Please stop requesting such useless feature, there's more important work underneath the platform. Do you thing nagging us will bring groups back?"
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