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3 posts total
‮ :v_cat:​ :neocat_trans_cute: aynuL​‮‮

Why long skirts are awesome:

You can use a long skirt to carry a cat

‮ :v_cat:​ :neocat_trans_cute: aynuL​‮‮

For the americans who are still confused about metric.

1 meter is exactly 1 blahaj, so by using metric you would be measuring things in blahajs.

If this can't convince you all to use metric i'm not sure what will

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@ciubix8513 @clementd this is amazing. Everything is amazing in that post and responses 🤣🤣🤣

Martin Rust

@ciubix8513 for those who, like me, have no idea what blahaj means: solution in next toot.

paolo podestà

@ciubix8513 the problem they can't afford is that you need 1000 mblåhaj to have a #blåhaj an that a kblåhaj is exactly 1000 #blåhaj

‮ :v_cat:​ :neocat_trans_cute: aynuL​‮‮

I sure hope i don't get banned for posting something SO nsfw

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