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6 posts total
Alena Kirdina

You can't truly understand the extent of your weakness without exercise. Today's world doesn't push you to desperation as it did in the past. Many spend years evading discomfort to the point that they struggle with even minor challenges. They become overwhelmed, and their capacity diminishes.

We must reintroduce past challenges in a healthy manner, lest they return in an unhealthy guise.

Alena Kirdina

When you're teaming up with Serbians.
Serb: You wouldn't believe the number of Russians flooding our city lately...
You: *trying to blend in with the furniture*
Serb: ...and they're all such rays of sunshine! Opened up cafes that are basically caffeine heaven and restaurants where I'm now a regular. I’m so glad they’re moving here!
You: 🤯

Alena Kirdina

Game design and development in 2026
"Make me a game that looks like this"
Like this?
"No, make it more snowy"
Like this?
"Yeah but make it more fun"
Like this?

Alena Kirdina

Spotted it on a street zu verschenken, googled some reviews, said Meh, kept walking

Alena Kirdina

In the near future there will be very few companies releasing software without an LLM to guide and answer any questions you have about the software or how to do things, trained directly on the manuals.
Nobody would use manuals that you have to read through. Ridiculous things

James Conroy-Finn

@egodyston it’ll be a sad day when we’re all beholden to language models to answer any and all questions.

There’s beauty in the pursuit of knowledge. From it comes great creativity.

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