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Bill Turner

@ninawillburger This is awesome, and immediately makes me think of the tales @juergen_hubert has been translating.


@ninawillburger As a German, I can confirm that this was my childhood, my youth and my adult life.

Nina Willburger

The unique Trichtingen torc consists of an iron core with a silver mantel. It’s too large and too heavy for human use (6.7kg), it was rather worn by a wooden cult image.
Dating 2nd/1st c. BC.

Photos: Landesmuseum Württemberg


Alex Schroeder

@ninawillburger Der Blick, den die beiden sich zuwerfen, ist ja fantastisch. Und die Fotos haben das super eingefangen. Gefällt mir sehr.

Nina Willburger

A friend who is working on the Esna restoration project just sent me these stunning photos of the restored ceiling and columns of the Temple of Khnum in Esna, Upper #Egypt. The colours of the reliefs and inscriptions in the building have been covered by a coating of dirt and soot for some 2000 years.
Since 2018, the original bright colours have been uncovered.

Photo: D. v. Recklinghausen


@ninawillburger wow, anazing : great to know that _of course_ pur ancestors lived in multi-colored worlds! 🥰


@ninawillburger it will be a death metal album cover within a year, mark my words 😅

Daniil Baturin

@ninawillburger So, where I can buy high-quality volcanic ash to store my art in? ;)

Nina Willburger

Stunning 3,000 year old glass beads, found in pile dwelling settlements at Lake Constance. The beads were probably made in the Alpine foreland from raw glass imported from Italy.

Photo: Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg

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