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133 posts total
Stefano Marinelli

Well, it's being quite long, but I was expecting it, with a 256GB SD card:

`Starting root file system check:
/dev/rdk1: file system is clean; not checking
[ 4.4143394] dk0 at ld1 (EFI) deleted
[ 4.4143394] dk0 at ld1: "EFI", 90200 blocks at 3, type: msdos
[ 4.4251179] dk1 at ld1: "netbsd-root", 500596736 blocks at 90203, type: ffs
/dev/rdld1: Partition 2 resized: 90203 500596736
Resizing / (NAME=netbsd-root)
/dev/rdk1: grow cg **************************************************** | 72%`

Well, it's being quite long, but I was expecting it, with a 256GB SD card:

`Starting root file system check:
/dev/rdk1: file system is clean; not checking
[ 4.4143394] dk0 at ld1 (EFI) deleted
[ 4.4143394] dk0 at ld1: "EFI", 90200 blocks at 3, type: msdos
[ 4.4251179] dk1 at ld1: "netbsd-root", 500596736 blocks at 90203, type: ffs
/dev/rdld1: Partition 2 resized: 90203 500596736
Resizing / (NAME=netbsd-root)
/dev/rdk1: grow cg **************************************************** | 72%`

Stefano Marinelli

After a good lunch, I decided to go and wash my teeth. I saw my toothbrush and something immediately came to my mind. In an era where even toasters are smart, my electric toothbrush remains a delightful rebel. It shuns the cloud, ignores the Internet, bypasses blockchain, scoffs at crypto payments, and laughs in the face of AI optimization. It's not just anachronistic – it's a statement in simplicity. My toothbrush, an unsung hero in a hyper-connected world!

After a good lunch, I decided to go and wash my teeth. I saw my toothbrush and something immediately came to my mind. In an era where even toasters are smart, my electric toothbrush remains a delightful rebel. It shuns the cloud, ignores the Internet, bypasses blockchain, scoffs at crypto payments, and laughs in the face of AI optimization. It's not just anachronistic – it's a statement in simplicity. My toothbrush, an unsung hero in a hyper-connected world!

Stefano Marinelli

It's Friday. It's raining. An old photo.

(The meaning of this photo is in the alt text, as often happens with my photos)

Stefano Marinelli

A few days ago, I updated BlendIT's Lemmy to the latest version, but I had forgotten to update the lemmy-ui (separate component). There were some session issues (having to log in every time you left the page). This morning, I also updated lemmy-ui, and now everything is back to normal. My apologies!

@bsdcafe @announcements

Stefano Marinelli

My preferred containerization solution when I'm not using FreeBSD: LXC/LXD on Alpine Linux.
Back in 2020, I documented the (easy) installation and usage procedure of LXC on Alpine Linux in their wiki:

Stefano Marinelli

One year ago, 3 Jan 2023

The best way to wake up: opening the windows and enjoying the sunrise over the sea

Stefano Marinelli

We just reached the 14 million milestone of Fediverse users.
Not a single ad displayed.
Not a single algorithm suggestion.
Nobody pushing hate speech.

Happy milestone, !

Addendum: By "nobody is pushing hate speech," I mean that no company, owner of the Social Network, can deliberately and aggressively force posts with hate speech onto users solely for the purpose of selling more ads. This does not imply that there is no hate speech - unfortunately, this is a problem that also spreads in the Fediverse, and the tools are not always adequate.

We just reached the 14 million milestone of Fediverse users.
Not a single ad displayed.
Not a single algorithm suggestion.
Nobody pushing hate speech.

Happy milestone, !

Addendum: By "nobody is pushing hate speech," I mean that no company, owner of the Social Network, can deliberately and aggressively force posts with hate speech onto users solely for the purpose of selling more ads. This does not imply that there is no hate speech - unfortunately, this is a problem that also spreads in...

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@stefano its your white privileged that you do not notice the hate speach here. Especially after the last two weeks its ignorant to state this.


@stefano Insert raid shadow legends or nord vpn ad here

Robert Mizen

@stefano as intended by the science overloads ❤️

Stefano Marinelli

25 years ago today, Google was founded.
On the same day, I wiped Windows 98 off my computer, believing that Debian Linux (which I had been using for a while but still kept Windows on another partition) could do everything I had been doing with Windows until then.

Since that day, many installations of Linux, *BSD, MacOS have graced my computers, but Windows has remained, on a few occasions, only an occasional (unwelcome) guest.

In the spirit of a typical support group phrase, I can joyfully say:
'Hello, I'm Stefano, and I haven't been using Windows as my primary operating system for 25 years.'

Please boost and share your experience!

25 years ago today, Google was founded.
On the same day, I wiped Windows 98 off my computer, believing that Debian Linux (which I had been using for a while but still kept Windows on another partition) could do everything I had been doing with Windows until then.

Since that day, many installations of Linux, *BSD, MacOS have graced my computers, but Windows has remained, on a few occasions, only an occasional (unwelcome) guest.

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@stefano so Dos 3.3 and Prodos user until 1991.Then macos7 and atari gem then beos Slackware and os/2. Windows at works. Macosx until 2015 linux fedora since then. Considering switching nomadbsd.

Nsca mosaic on mac, then Netscape then mozilla nightly.

Paul Wilde 😺 (snac2 acct) probably about 20-25 years ago I started looking into using Linux, and tinkered with a few distros (Debian, Fedora, Arch, openSUSE) in dual boot set up or as VMs, to test the waters of having a system I could configure for me, not configure myself for it.
Ultimately I made the absolute switch about 15 or so years ago (Arch...btw, and servers set up with RHEL based, Debian or FreeBSD) and haven't looked back.
I still have a Windows VM which I can spin up for those times I need it, but it's pretty much just 2 uses I have for it, I can do everything else on Linux or BSD.

Of course, I still have to support windows as part of my daily work... But of course I provide solutions via Linux or BSD probably about 20-25 years ago I started looking into using Linux, and tinkered with a few distros (Debian, Fedora, Arch, openSUSE) in dual boot set up or as VMs, to test the waters of having a system I could configure for me, not configure myself for it.
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Anand Prabhu

@stefano read the post and it is really amazing to know that the NetBSD survived all these years without any maintenance.

Luca Sironi
@stefano love it. Had it running for years on 486, 68k Mac's, a sun ultra
ルーセント ~ Lucent
> My first (and last) employer complained about my preference for stable and reliable solutions, equating it with lesser profits.

This has been a reason why I left my previous workplace, I was pissed at the amount of unstable and cheapo stuff sales continuously pushed, working every day recovering shitty situations, just because spending a dime more on more reliable and capable hardware and software meant lower call rate/less margin... the sales manager explicitly stated that they measured satisfaction on "how much customers would order again" rather than asking for a feedback to the end users :blobcatsad:
> My first (and last) employer complained about my preference for stable and reliable solutions, equating it with lesser profits.

This has been a reason why I left my previous workplace, I was pissed at the amount of unstable and cheapo stuff sales continuously pushed, working every day recovering shitty situations, just because spending a dime...
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