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25 posts total
Evil Martians

Sometimes, especially with startups or small teams, UI design for developer-facing tools can fall upon a non-designer. This guide from Gleb Stroganov is full of real-life dev tool UI examples and analysis—so you can get your project going in record time.

Evil Martians

Time-consuming auth implementation got you down? It's especially hard to find a suitable guide if you're new to AWS Cognito and need to integrate it into a React app. But with this post from Yuri Mikhin, the complex is made simple!

Evil Martians

Our Head of Design Roman Shamin says that CLI UX is often neglected, despite their regular and essential use by developers. To remedy this, he reviews 3 common loading patterns and their best use cases.

Evil Martians

In this post, Svyatoslav Kryukov examines approaches to API documentation and why a documentation-first approach is beneficial. Plus, a new Ruby gem to help with the proposed workflow, and tips and tricks for making the switch.

Evil Martians

After undertaking one of our design sprints, our clients have launched MVPs, gained millions in new investment funds—and even design awards. With successful cases ranging from just an idea, to startups and pivoting companies, Head of Design Roman Shamin takes us on a look behind the curtain to see how it all works.

Evil Martians

The San Francisco Bay Area Ruby meetup that we organized will be hosted by GitHub at their HQ this Thursday! Featuring: GitHub's Ben Sheldon, Ubicloud's Daniel Farina, and our own Vladimir Dementyev! #ruby

Evil Martians

Evil Martians are looking for an Account/Project Manager!

This role entails helping growth-stage startups and Y Combinator alumni become “unicorns”. The scope of work includes product and project management, idea validation, deadline and task coordination, pre-sales, contracts, and visiting conferences.

Additionally, if you have a technical background, that's a big bonus!

Evil Martians

Should developers write? We’re not talking about docs, code, or commit messages—but articles like this one! Nina Torgunakova says yes, and shares 3 reasons why it’s important, plus how to overcome 3 common blocks.

Evil Martians

Hey, Californian Ruby enthusiasts: devs, app founders, and gem seekers! On March 28, we’ll be waiting for you at the San Francisco Bay Area Ruby meetup, hosted by GitHub and initiated by Evil Martians. Be our guest or our speaker! Register or reach out to suggest your talk at #ruby

Evil Martians

We’re looking for an Account/Project Manager!

This role is critical at Evil Martians since you’ll work both with client teams, helping make product decisions and defining product development vectors, and with our own team to ensure we’re doing our best to meet customer business goals. (An engineering background is a plus, but not strictly required!)

Benefits and responsibilities:

Evil Martians

While developing Polychrom, our UI text readability plugin, Frontend Engineer Yuri Mikhin overcame a tough color blending roadblock by ditching the iterative method and shifting into a "declarative" approach that leverages SVG and the Canvas API.

Evil Martians

Frontend Engineer Dan Kozlov shows how to make Tailwind play nice with CSS variables, OKLCH colors, and dynamic themes. Get reliable, predictable theming, work better with designers, unlock the power of colors—and stop settling for the same old palettes!

Evil Martians

Our fall schedule is packed with upcoming conference talks for the Evil Martians team. You’ve got many more chances to meet us and listen to us at different locations around the globe! Come see us!

Evil Martians

Last but not least, we are announcing our final speaker for the Bites & Bytes meetup: Gleb Stroganov, our Product Designer, who will prove that you can take even neutral-looking icons to the next level in your interfaces.

See you tomorrow!

Evil Martians

It’s a great feeling when you discover your blog post about OKLCH in CSS helped light the flame for Geoff Graham's OKLCH color space "love story" in Smashing Magazine!

Evil Martians

Principal Backend Engineer Vladimir Dementyev's new book on crafting ultra-maintainable Rails apps, "Layered Design for Ruby on Rails Applications", drops tomorrow! In this interview, we talk about why this book is different, the "Extended Rails Way", the future of Rails, his attempts to convince his nephew to try Rails, and more.

Evil Martians

The second speaker to be featured at our Bites & Bytes meetup for developers and designers in Lisbon will be Roman Shamin, Head of Design at Evil Martians! He’ll dive into the topic of generating dynamic UI themes on the fly, which is now possible using the new OKLCH color space and our own, brand-new OSS tool: APCA Contrast Figma plugin.

Evil Martians

It’s time to reveal the first speaker for the upcoming Bites & Bytes meetup for developers and designers in Lisbon: meet Alexander Baygeldin, Backend Engineer at Evil Martians!

He’ll look at the unique benefits of edge computing and help you decide whether it’s just another buzzword, or a useful tool for your toolbox (with real-world use-cases and a live demo using Cloudflare Workers!)

Sign up to get notified:

Evil Martians

The date and location of our next Bites & Bytes meetup for developers (and, this time, designers!) has been revealed. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, September 14, in Lisbon, Portugal for talks on backend, design, open source promotion—and a lot of networking!

Don’t forget to sign up and get notifications about the event!

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