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88 posts total
Ludovic Courtès

The GCC release notes mention C23 features: type inference, and ‘constexpr’. Yes, C. 😱

Ramin Honary

So C is going to standardize what C++ did years ago and redefine the semantics of the "auto" keyword.

That might be nice, I suppose. It would make it easier to declare one-off "struct" and "union" data types without always declaring an associated typedef for it, since now I can just declare the type "auto" and let the constructor expression speak for itself, no need to type the name of the datatype twice.

Although it might be another 10 years before people feel comfortable using this feature regularly, out of a fear of not being able to compile their code on older C compilers.

So C is going to standardize what C++ did years ago and redefine the semantics of the "auto" keyword.

That might be nice, I suppose. It would make it easier to declare one-off "struct" and "union" data types without always declaring an associated typedef for it, since now I can just declare the type "auto" and let the constructor expression speak for itself, no need to type the name of the datatype twice.

Ludovic Courtès

✨ New! ✨ The 🐑 #Shepherd now keeps track of what happens and when.

Ludovic Courtès

“Dissecting Guix, Part 3: G-Expressions”

By fellow contributor who goes by the name “(”, aka. “unmached paren”.

#Guix #~ #$ #Scheme

Ludovic Courtès

“Any sufficiently complicated package manager or deployment tool contains an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Guix/Nix.”

— The 11th rule.

Ludovic Courtès

The set of #Guix Home services has been slowly but surely growing over the last few weeks:

… and there’s more coming!

Ludovic Courtès

As a #Guix user, what's your relation with 'guix pack -RR', the Really Relocatable packs?

Anonymous poll


Used it with the default execution engine.
Used it with the proot execution engine.
Used it with the fakechroot execution engine.
Never used it! Should I?
7 people voted.
Voting ended 18 Mar 2023 at 20:38.
Ludovic Courtès

“Building Toolchains with Guix”

Mitchell Schmeisser shares their experience using #Guix to define a cross-compilation toolchain for the #Zephyr real-time operating system, which is used in the #embedded space.

Ludovic Courtès

Timothy Sample just published an updated “Preservation of Guix” report:

Key takeaway is that 87% of the source code of packages present in #Guix today is archived via #SoftwareHeritage + #Disarchive, 77% if we look at all the packages that appeared in Guix between May 2019 and today.

Ludovic Courtès

GCC 5.5.0 (2017) cannot be built out-of-the-box by g++/GCC 11.3.0 (2022) because g++ 11.x defaults to C++17, whereas GCC 5.5 expects C++11, which apparently has incompatible features/semantics in some places.

Thanks again to the bright minds who pushed for C++ in GCC (and then left).

Sevan Janiyan

@civodul is it not possible to pass -std=gnu++11 to g++ if it's v11.x?

Ludovic Courtès

“Gix: Literate Programming with Emacs org-mode & GNU/Guix [sic]”

Looks like a nice way to integrate #Org with #Guix-based deployment of the software needed to run code snippets—sorta like Guix-Jupyter.

HT to @csantosb


Ludovic Courtès

me in 2009: Nix is cool, let’s do CI for Guile with Nix!
me in 2012: Guile is cool as well, Guile + Nix = Guix!
me in 2023: Guix is cool, let’s do CI for Guile with Guix!

#GNU #Guile #Guix #Cuirass

Ludovic Courtès

Besides the fun story of me hacking in circles, it’s an interesting? thought-provoking? hack on how to use Cuirass for continuous integration of code that’s not a regular Guix channel.

I think it’s a use case we should work on!

Ludovic Courtès

#GNU #Guile 3.0.9 released!

It’s primarily a bug-fix release, but it also adds new POSIX bindings (‘openat’, ‘posix spawn’, etc.) among other niceties!

Ludovic Courtès

Two #Guix Days followed by #FOSDEM with no less than 10 Guix talks: next week’s going to be busy!

Come chat with us if you’re in Brussels!


Ludovic Courtès

… and come chat on-line if you’re not in Brussels!

Ludovic Courtès

#Guile has a new ‘spawn’ procedure that wraps ‘posix_spawn’, and ‘system*’, ‘open-pipe’ and friends are now based on ‘posix_spawn’ as well!

More robust & more efficient thank fork+exec. 👍
Kudos to Josselin!

Andrew Tropin

@civodul I got hit by it a few times, but didn't have to time to dig in, kudos to Josselin and all related people!

Ludovic Courtès

“The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard Comes to Guix Containers”

@podiki writes about the recently-added ‘guix shell --container --emulate-fhs’; check it out!

#Guix #FHS

Ludovic Courtès

Hey! The #Guix Days + #FOSDEM are approaching!

Just booked my train to Brussels. Looking forward to meeting folks IRL again!!

Kudos to @pjotrp & co.

Ludovic Courtès

#GNU #Guix 1.4.0 released! 🎉

So many exciting things since 1.3.0, starting with ‘guix shell’ and Guix Home. Check it out!

Plus, it comes with cute artwork by @luis_felipe.

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@civodul @luis_felipe woohoo! Thanks everyone, always love using and hacking on Guix!


@civodul @luis_felipe incredible batch of features, thank you all!

And, loving the artwork

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