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12 posts total
hotkey (Zoé)

Not me spending my Friday night modeling tetrominoes with OpenSCAD.

Openscad (3d modeling software)
On the left, part of the "code" to draw tetrominoes based on cube primitives.
On the right, the preview window, various tetromino shapes in different colours (I, O, T, J, L, S, Z)
hotkey (Zoé)

I made 6 fridge magnets!

I need more pieces but I'll need other filament colours.

Six tetromino-shaped fridge magnets interlocked together in a semi random fashion

two blue S shapes
two purple J shapes
and two pink T shapes
hotkey (Zoé)

Pigeon watching followed by, erm, a post-pigeon-watching nap, I guess.

#catsOfMastodon #caturday

Two cats on a bed looking out the window at pigeons on the rooftop of the next building.

Both cats are laying on their sides, with their backs touching. Their ears are perked up. They're looking far away so we don't see their faces.

Chloé on the left is a tortoise shell three year old cat (but she looks mostly black from this angle). Miko on the right is a fifteen years old gray cat.
Cloé and Miko are now sleeping in a kinda spooning position but still back to back
hotkey (Zoé)

A man held the door for me but then there was a second door.

What's the protocol here? Halp!

Why didn't I study second door at woman school 😱

Chloé 🏳️‍⚧️

@hotkey Get ahead of him and open the door for him. ("He"'s secretly an egg)

hotkey (Zoé)

I see. Welp, I probably don't need these clothes.


Two cats sleeping on a pile of clothes on my folding table. 

Chloé (tortie cat) sleeps on the left with her head on my jean shorts

Miko (old grey cat) is sleeping on the right, in the laundry basket, on top of a towel
hotkey (Zoé)

I wasn't the most visible today, but I survived the family thing so yay?

Here's a picture of Chloé who is taking a liking to the piano for some reason. Cute, but not ideal :meow_dizzy:


Chloé, a tortie cat, lying on the right side of the piano keyboard looking at the camera. She is covering a few octaves with her body making playing somewhat inconvenient.
hotkey (Zoé)

I should really get up and do stuff but I'm kinda stuck :neocat_googly_shocked:


My cat Chloé squeezed between my legs (which are under a throw blanket) on the couch. Grainy picture courtesy of my old crappy iPad.
hotkey (Zoé)

Took a few months, but Chloé is starting to figure out that squeezing in between my legs is warm and comfy. Makes it harder to get out of bed though.

#catsOfMastodon #caturday

Chloé, a tortie cat, tucked in between my legs in bed
hotkey (Zoé)

@boxy I like that the reply to "I'm not a computer nerd" starts with "if you have git"

Magic 8-ball, do they have git?
Answer: Not Bloody Likely

hotkey (Zoé)

@ipg @runarcn Hey that's me!
"I'm on the couch"
"I'm at my computer"
"I'm on the couch again"
"I'm in a fetal position in the corner of the room"

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