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3 posts total

My entry for a small character design challenge that I participated in recently.
Every participant got two randomly selected topics to feature in their design.
Mine were “welder” and “cosplayer”.
Was pretty fun~

#CharacterDesign #ConceptArt #digitalArt #mastoart


Неповторимый оригинал, просто чтобы было :blobcat:


Обещал рисунок своего котика для @brofffka :blobcat:

бровка :coolcat:

@AcroCatabro ля как круто! :blobcataww: :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

бровка :coolcat:

@AcroCatabro давно рисуешь? ятлюблю такой аля стиль комикса.



Hello! 👋
My name is Acro.
I work professionally as an Environment #3DArtist for #videogames since 2017.
I play videogames, read #manga and draw anime girls as a hobby.
I also have a bunch of original characters, whom I write stories about.

Mastodon is something new to me, so please bear with me while I try to figure it all out.
I've looked through many servers in search for a home, but decided to hang around in for now.

I hope we get along well!


Hello! 👋
My name is Acro.
I work professionally as an Environment #3DArtist for #videogames since 2017.
I play videogames, read #manga and draw anime girls as a hobby.
I also have a bunch of original characters, whom I write stories about.

Mastodon is something new to me, so please bear with me while I try to figure it all out.
I've looked through many servers in search for a home, but decided to hang around in for now.

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