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52 posts total

@trwnh also apparently juggling multiple projects with this also popping up now?


@trwnh this is a rabbit hole I will probably regret falling down

infinite love ⴳ

do you feel a sense of fear and apprehension when you spend any amount of money, even minor amounts

Anonymous poll


uhhhh ?????? no?????? what are you talking about
21 people voted.
Voting ended 19 Jun 2023 at 7:58.
infinite love ⴳ

either some of y'all are lying or i have a great deal of fellow Poors following me

infinite love ⴳ

i think there's an expectation of instances to stick around for a long time once they pass a certain threshold -- if an instance shuts down after a year or two, it's not so surprising. but the recent shutdown notices have taken me by surprise bc they're much older and more well-established, so there was a sense that they'd be around for much longer. i guess it just goes to show that anything can happen, and there really are no guarantees.


@trwnh I think the takeaway is admins should probably have a fallback admin who is a part of the community for a long time, so there isn't a trust issue if they ever need to hand it off. There's not much a responsibile admin can do at this point if they want to call it quits.

infinite love ⴳ

activitypub as an ecosystem has no authority like the xmmp standards foundation, which tends to lead toward a "fuck around and find out" approach. planning on extending the spec? just do it

this is a really bad way to make standards imo, and i'm not sure the "fedi enhancement proposal" thing is a significant improvement because they lack any sort of authority. everything is really just best-effort

@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:


Do you envision your hypothetical ActivityPub "authority" as being comprised of the software developers who actually create the software that make up the Fediverse?

Or do you envision your hypothetical ActivityPub "authority" structured differently?

infinite love ⴳ

a picture is worth a thousand words and an emoji is worth, idk, like five or six

infinite love ⴳ

a computer can never be held accountable

therefore a computer must never make a management decision

(IBM, 1979 slide)

Adam Karkowski

Tech industry 1979: A computer must never make a management decision!

Tech industry 2022: It's not us, it's the algorithm, bro!


@trwnh a computer can never be held accountable.

But the trillionaire corporation that used it can and should.

Eugen Rochko

@trwnh Oh what a nice demo design. I wish ours was like that instead of a static screenshot...

infinite love ⴳ

Hi I'm looking for work again

Notable experience: I wrote the Mastodon documentation and I help manage Pixelfed


Looking for documentation, technical writing, could also do Github issue triage or junior programming, project/product management

Can be either a permanent role or a temporary contract thing

infinite love ⴳ

why tf everyone offline it's like almost 10am/11am for most everyone on my contact list

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