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3 posts total
Dave Heumann

Hey there, #MacOS users. I'd like to update my OS to Monterey, but no further, as my audio interface won't work with more recent versions. Does anyone know how I might do this?

Dave Heumann

Oh nice. 5kg of tea just showed up....On a Sunday, no less.
Thanks DHL!

-Organic Golden Bud
-Golden Monkey
-Organic Dong Ding oolong
-Organic Enshi Yu Lu green tea
-2023 Ming Feng mao cha

Anyone interested in any of these teas, I'll have them updated on my site tonight. Got to cook the fam brunch and go to a rehearsal today.

Excited to try this sample they sent! A very umami-smelling green called Song Luo.

#tea #ChineseTea #OrganicTea

Oh nice. 5kg of tea just showed up....On a Sunday, no less.
Thanks DHL!

-Organic Golden Bud
-Golden Monkey
-Organic Dong Ding oolong
-Organic Enshi Yu Lu green tea
-2023 Ming Feng mao cha

Anyone interested in any of these teas, I'll have them updated on my site tonight. Got to cook the fam brunch and go to a rehearsal today.

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