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32 posts total
Andrey Sitnik

difft is a cool alternative for the git diff. For example, it takes into account programming language syntax.

Andreas Wagner

@sitnik_en also pandiff might be another diff tool to consider, depending on the kind of documents you are mostly editing.

Andrey Sitnik

Last week we speeded up Browserslist by cleaning and reviewing caches system. For some people, it accelerated 10x: from 2.5 s → 0.2 s.

The changes were released in version 4.24.4.

Andrey Sitnik

Although I had a baby and moved to a different apartment, I still ranked in the top 100 most active developers on GitHub worldwide 🎉

Andrey Sitnik

I am thinking that old content posting are going useless, and I need to create something new.

What do you like from the content which I post, repost or publish on other my channels (@lostinwiki, @linguopunk)?

Andrey Sitnik

In Spain, they don't fear Friday the 13th.

Here they are afraid of Tuesdays (because martes, the day of the war god Mars) and are therefore more afraid Tuesday the 13th.

Andrey Sitnik

In his talk at DevFest Berlin about MathML, @pepelsbey inserted a slide that it’s not about Machine Learning (but about Markup Language).

And someone came out at that moment.

The person actually went to the bathroom at a very bad time.

Andrey Sitnik

Apple continues to help Putin.

They are removing VPNs from AppStore, anti-war songs and now they started to hide anti-Putin podcasts for Russian users.

Please, stop buying Apple devices.

Andrey Sitnik

In contrast with Next.js, the new Rails release really looks like an experiment with new ideas:
— No frontend assets build
— SQLite because SSD solves a lot of problems
— No cloud’s vendor lock-in

Andrey Sitnik

Received open source donation by Cocopon to my GitHub Sponsors

and to OpenCollective pages of PostCSS and Browserslist

Thanks a lot!

Andrey Sitnik

Where Framework 13 @frameworkcomputer modular laptop is better than the MacBook ↓

Of course, there are many reverse advantages of the MacBook, but everyone already knows about them, and I want more diversity in the laptop market.

Andrey Sitnik

1. Framework has a 3Ă—2 aspect ratio screen, compared to 19Ă—10 on the MacBook.

3Ă—2 is better for developers and people working with text. You will have more lines visible on the screen vertically.

Andrey Sitnik

Europe has some interesting funds for the independent development scene.

Sovereign Tech Fund allocates money to maintainers of open source projects

NGI is investing in privacy-first startups

Andrey Sitnik

Apple Music banned Russian anti-war song in Russia. Of course, iTunes bans VPNs in Russia too.

When Western businesses need to make money with the Russian government, their support for Ukraine ends very quickly.

Andrey Sitnik

How Apple is helping the Chinese and Russian regimes is one of the reasons why I am happy to not use MacOS.

Of course, animations in Linux are a little less polished, but they are less important than my principles.

Andrey Sitnik

There is amazing `pnpm deploy` command in @pnpm.

It copies your project (with monorepo support) to dist/ removing devDependencies to reduce security risks. Then you copy dist/ to Docker image.

Here is how I use it:

This is why I love pnpm so much—they really think how real team will use it.

It has a great set of built-in commands together with the best monorepo support.

There is amazing `pnpm deploy` command in @pnpm.

It copies your project (with monorepo support) to dist/ removing devDependencies to reduce security risks. Then you copy dist/ to Docker image.

Here is how I use it:

This is why I love pnpm so much—they really think how real team will use it.


@sitnik_en @pnpm TIL! This is a very useful feature, thanks for sharing this 🔥

Andrey Sitnik

I like for many new ideas can be found in Local First community even if you are not making classic Local First app (but remember that Local First is a spectrum).

For instance, there is amazing Zero sync engine from Replicache useful for classic webapp.

Andrey Sitnik

The whole world: cheering for their own at the Olympics

Russians: cheering for their own at the political prisoner exchange

Andrey Sitnik

“NATO is helping Ukraine to fight—but not to win”

Exactly what I am reading in Russian pro- and anti-war resources. Seems like the USA just want to create a second Vietnam for Russia and the war-without-end is the plan.

Andrey Sitnik

The Russian missile that destroyed the Okhmatdet Children’s Hospital in Kiev contained many Westerns chips. Russia is making nearly 8 times more Kh-101s than before 2022.

Most of Western sanctions don’t work (Russia still has a great money flow into the country and no big problems of buying chips for rockets) or even help the war (like blocking money flow away from Russia).

Most sanctions were just an impulsive act to show participation.

The Russian missile that destroyed the Okhmatdet Children’s Hospital in Kiev contained many Westerns chips. Russia is making nearly 8 times more Kh-101s than before 2022.

Most of Western sanctions don’t work (Russia still has a great money flow into the country and no big problems of buying chips for rockets) or even help the war (like blocking money flow away from Russia).

Andrey Sitnik

Received $2000 donation from Microsoft to PostCSS, Autoprefixer and other my projects. They donated many projects that day.

Thanks a lot to people who promote this project in the company and developers who highlight my projects.

Andrey Sitnik

On #JSNation @antfu explained the benefits of the new ESLint Flat Config.

Shared configs now can be a function with arguments.

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