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Pretendo Network :bw_fix:

A few days late, but with July now over we've got another round of updates for you all! This includes an overview of all the new changes to existing games, some future goals, and new information regarding Animal Crossing: New Leaf :D

Note: We know that we have released monthly progress update posts twice in a row now, but to be clear this may not consistently happen. Much of our work is research related, deals with internal tooling, making updates/improvements to our helper libraries, etc. These updates are not always necessarily interesting enough to make it into blog posts, so there may be periods where we do not publish any. However if you'd like to see these smaller things featured in blog posts, we may begin to include them

A few days late, but with July now over we've got another round of updates for you all! This includes an overview of all the new changes to existing games, some future goals, and new information regarding Animal Crossing: New Leaf :D

Note: We know that we have released monthly progress update posts twice in a row now, but to be clear this may not consistently happen. Much of our work is research related, deals with internal tooling, making updates/improvements...

Pretendo Network :bw_fix:

Shutdown reminder!

With just 2 weeks left until the Nintendo Network shutdown, we'd like to take this time to remind everyone that we are accepting network packet dumps for all games, for both the Wii U and 3DS! These packet dumps give us a glimpse into how the games operated when the official servers were still online. While technically possible to do without these dumps, having reference material like this will make the job of making replacement servers FAR easier once these servers go offline!

This is ESPECIALLY true for more obscure/less popular games, and games which have custom additions to them. Having network dumps for smaller games is just as, if not more, important than the bigger ones as we'd likely have much less reference material for them! We know everyone is excited to help get the big names going, but we can't forget the little guys either!

That being said, we appreciate ALL users who help us with this crowd sourcing! We have gotten a LOT of amazing data from everyone so far, all of which will definitely help us moving forward.

For those interested in contributing network packet dumps, see our guide on our website here This page also includes a section listing some games we consider "high priority", though these are NOT the only games we still need data for.

For those curious about our current network dump stats, so far we have:

- 99 HokakuCafe dumps (specifically Wii U)
- 528 HokakuCTR dumps (specifically 3DS)
- 15 general WireShark dumps (applies to both consoles)
- 65 general proxy dumps (applies to both consoles)

NOTE: These numbers come from the number of network packet dumps submitted through the Bandwidth upload command, and may not represent the real total number of dumps submitted.

Shutdown reminder!

With just 2 weeks left until the Nintendo Network shutdown, we'd like to take this time to remind everyone that we are accepting network packet dumps for all games, for both the Wii U and 3DS! These packet dumps give us a glimpse into how the games operated when the official servers were still online. While technically possible to do without these dumps, having reference material like this will make the job of making replacement servers FAR easier once these servers go offline!

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ExperiencersInternational I'm guessing I'm not going to really be any help considering the most obscure game I own is either Game Party Champions or Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival (which I don't remember ever having any online functionality) 😥

Pretendo Network :bw_fix:

We are happy to announce our next round of server roll outs! Joining us this time are:

- Mario Kart 7
- Kid Icarus: Uprising
- The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes

Of these 3, *both* Mario Kart 7 and Kid Icarus: Uprising are available to play, right now, to everyone! The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes is still only available to our beta testers, pending more testing before releasing it to the public!

We have also updated our documentation to better reflect the new changes to our 3DS patches that came with Luma 13. Even if you have recently patched your 3DS, please refer to our setup guide to ensure everything is up to date

*Please keep in mind that all servers are still in development. You may experience instability, missing features, or incorrectly implemented features and bugs. Your mileage may vary. Please report any issues you may have in #support, and we will address them as soon as we can*

To see which features are currently implemented for all games we support, please refer to

We are happy to announce our next round of server roll outs! Joining us this time are:

- Mario Kart 7
- Kid Icarus: Uprising
- The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes

Of these 3, *both* Mario Kart 7 and Kid Icarus: Uprising are available to play, right now, to everyone! The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes is still only available to our beta testers, pending more testing before releasing it to the public!

Splatoon Unofficial :inkling:

@pretendo my contributions are here nice

(should really be replying from main account)


@pretendo I'm about to get my ass handed to me on MK7 I can tell you that.

Pretendo Network :bw_fix:

hewwo~ tis pwetendo :3 :bandwidth_fix:

we'we a fwee and open sawce repwacement fow Nintendo Netwowk fow Wii U and :3DS ~

have fun using ouw sewvice and enjoy your stay on the fedivewse! :bandwidth:


Pretendo Network :bw_fix:

The person responsible for this toot has been dealt with appropriately.

(we gave 'em cat treats)

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