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3 posts total
Chris Wood

More progress made!

The WIP icon manager app now renders SVG icons as vector drawings, so they don't get pixellated and appear extra crisp on HiDPi displays.

The search bar is also now visible in the header bar for quick access. It now filters the icons in the currently selected list.



@chriswood looks like it’s shaping up!

Chris Wood

Access Guide is a collection of principles for designing accessible interfaces, made by Alex Chen.

It's created as an introduction to meeting the WCAG 2.1 specifications.

Each principle contains tips on implementation and links to further reading.

#ux #ui #accessibility #uxdesign #uidesign #design #wcag #accessibledesign

Chris Wood

Reasonable Colors is an open-source colour system for making accessible colour palettes.

It uses an intuitive system of shades to help you select colours which meet the appropriate WCAG contrast rating, even if you're mixing and matching base colours:

#opensource #design #ui #uidesign #color #colour #accessibility

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