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josh :bocchi_arch:

if your web app doesn't work in firefox your web app doesn't work. it's literally broken. fix it.

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Andrew Douglass

@josh the web app I’m building depends on low level APIs that Firefox says are too dangerous to users to implement, like WebUSB. Apparently prompting the user for permission to access a physical device isn’t good enough. Is my app broken or is Firefox the problem in this case?

Stuart Celarier

@josh Perhaps the app isn't the problem, the browser is? With less than 3% market share globally, Firefox has been behind implementing standards, and lacks features like support for PWAs, making it difficult and expensive to include in a software development project. In business web app development, I think it has been many years I have seen a project that included Firefox in the list of targeted browsers. Unvarnished economics.

Not that using it is wrong, it just comes with certain realities.

Rodrigo Santamaría

@josh most web apps do not work, browsers fill the gaps. A bit of a shame

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